Learn more about AllSecure Exchange platform by reading our documentation.
- PHP 5.6 or newer
- Installed [Composer][composer]
Add the ALLSECURE EXCHANGE PHP SDK to your composer.json
composer require allsecure-pay/php-exchange
Refer to Composer Documentation if you are not familiar with composer).
PHP client is made having in mind the LIVE environment. If you are to test on a Sandbox environment, you should ammend the client as follows:
- src/Client.php to comment-out line 46 and uncomment line 47
- src/Client.php to comment-out line 70 and uncomment line 71
- src/Xml/Generator.php to comment-out line 43 and uncomment line 44
- API User - consisting of:
- username, and
- password
- Connector - consisting of:
- API key, and
- optional: shared secret
Instantiate a new Exchange\Client\Client
authenticated via your API user & password,
connecting it to a payment adapter identified by an API key and authenticated using a shared secret.
use Exchange\Client\Client;
use Exchange\Client\Data\Customer;
use Exchange\Client\Transaction\Debit;
use Exchange\Client\Transaction\Result;
// Include the autoloader (if not already done via Composer autoloader)
// Instantiate the "Exchange\Client\Client" with your credentials
$api_user = "your_username";
$api_password = "your_username";
$connector_api_key = "your_chosen_connector_api_key";
$connector_shared_secret = "your_generated_connector_shared_secret";
$client = new Client("username", "password", "apiKey", "sharedSecret");
### Process a debit transaction
Once you instantiated a [client with credentials](#setting-up-credentials),
you can use the instance to make transaction API calls.
// define your transaction ID: e.g. 'myId-'.date('Y-m-d').'-'.uniqid()
$merchantTransactionId = 'your_transaction_id'; // must be unique
$customer = new Customer();
// after the payment flow the user is redirected to the $redirectUrl
$redirectUrl = 'https://example.org/success';
// all payment state changes trigger the $callbackUrl hook
$callbackUrl = 'https://api.example.org/payment-callback';
$debit = new Debit();
// send the transaction
$result = $client->debit($debit);
// now handle the result
if ($result->isSuccess()) {
//act depending on $result->getReturnType()
$gatewayReferenceId = $result->getReferenceId(); //store it in your database
if ($result->getReturnType() == Result::RETURN_TYPE_ERROR) {
//error handling
$errors = $result->getErrors();
} elseif ($result->getReturnType() == Result::RETURN_TYPE_REDIRECT) {
//redirect the user
header('Location: '.$result->getRedirectUrl());
} elseif ($result->getReturnType() == Result::RETURN_TYPE_PENDING) {
//payment is pending, wait for callback to complete
} elseif ($result->getReturnType() == Result::RETURN_TYPE_FINISHED) {
//payment is finished, update your cart/payment transaction
use Exchange\Client\Client;
use Exchange\Client\StatusApi\StatusRequestData;
$username = 'Your Username';
$password = 'Your password';
$apiKey = 'Connector API Key';
$sharedSecret = 'Connector Shared Secret';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$client = new Client($username, $password, $apiKey, $sharedSecret);
$statusRequestData = new StatusRequestData();
// use either the UUID or your merchantTransactionId but not both
$statusResult = $client->sendStatusRequest($statusRequestData);
// dump all data
// dump card data
$cardData = $statusResult->getreturnData();
// dump & echo error data
$errorData = $statusResult->getFirstError();
echo $errorData->getMessage();
echo $errorData->getCode();
echo $errorData->getAdapterCode();
echo $errorData->getAdapterMessage();