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Weekly core conference
- had no time, will not have time next week as he's in other projects right now
- aloha 0.20.3 release
- cleaned branches (release, hotfix branches)
- now there's just one hotfix branch left. old hotfix branches can be re-created from tags
- may help Rene with aloha website
- Aloha CDN deoployment
- removed makeClean and replaced it by annotation with class="aloha-ui-wrapper" for wrappers, and "alola-cleanme" for elements that should be removed as a whole
- there are methods to assign those classes
- getSatisfaction, updated website
- Copy & Paste fixes
- Aloha Blog
- disqus for Aloha Guides
- fixes and pull requests for IE, FloatingMenu
- feedback to Scott Gonzales about the jQuery UI
- suggested that we should use Google-Style/YUI parameter annotation
- had no time to work on Aloha Editor last week except some project review on jQuery UI integration
- had no time, will not have time next week as he's in other projects right now
- stable release in december
- hotfix release this friday
- will do another hotfix release
- fixed some jslint errors and did a pull request
- merged some pull requests
- helped Petro with IE7 crash bug
- bugfixes
- jQuery UI IE7 bug - was a jQuery bug
- obsoleting scopes
- closed pullrequests and github issues
- did a bit of runty
- started with Aloha Editor integration for impress.js
- updated website
- fixes copy & paste for word - will continue to work on this
- merged laktek's pull request
- will have a look at Aloha Blocks
- currently preparing an Aloha Editor release which will feature Aloha minified again!
- repairing JSLint errors (started @600 errors, now @300)
- helped to get Wordpress plugin running with Aloha RC0.20.0-RC9
- had no time to work on Alohe Editor
- had no time to work on Aloha Editor
- created/fixed configurable hotkeys for formatting plugin
- worked on php examples for demos
- updating all the old demos (moby dick and so on)
- bugfixing, guides, answering forum questions
- worked on Aloha Blocks with sebastian kurfürst
Petro, Norbert, Johannes, Rene, Clemens
- Document what needs to be documented
- answer internal questions on the core first
- Clemens will start skeletal documentation with headlines for all important things + TODO markers
- Checklist for commits
- obey coding guidlines http://docs.jquery.com/JQuery_Core_Style_Guidelines
- every method you touched during your implementation has to have a JSDoc
- there has to be a customer-friendly CHANGELOG.md entry that describes your change
- add a test (if it makes sense) and/or document the steps to manually test it (in a separate guides page)
- document your changes in a guide
- do a pull request
- Haymo
- Norbert
- Tobias
- Johannes
- Petro
- Rene
- Clemens
- Norbert: fixed some bugs with delete, enter, will continue to stabilize AE for our beta release
- Johannes: worked on forwardDelete tests for IE8, hat a look at IE9 - found quite some issues. Will create a github issue for that. Created 0.20 beta release. Talked with Haymo about AE's release process and will document it. Will work on stabilizing AE.
- Tobias: fixed some bugs in the table module. Created a github issue with all remaining table issues - dont seem to be high priority.
- Petro: wrote tests for the table plugin and fixed bugs with Tobi's help. Built a function that will prevent the table module from activating nested tables. Built multiple selection with CTRL/Shift with tables. Fixed a smartcontentchange event trigger bug. Finished a fix that will prevent empty elements after inserting contents. Next week: continue stabilizing & improving AE
- Rene: fixed tests for FF and IE, created Word test document. Fixed table plugin bugs. Frontend user testing of Aloha Editor with Word.
- Clemens: reviewed test protocols, fixed some bugs and will continue to do so.
- Attended webdev and jsug in Hamburg and presented Aloha
- A user wants to use Aloha with Sencha 4 - Haymo helped him with this effort
- Worked on manual link tests
- Made testbox work with IE again
- Works on forwarddelete test and will continue to do so
- Fixed the table plugin so that is somewhat stable
- Solved a github issue by incorporating a proposed bugfix
- Refactored for in loops to include hasOwnProperty() check
- Will keep working on the table plugin, maybe some work on dev-commands
- extended commandtestutils for browser specific tests (exclude/include for specific browsers and dom elements for browsers)
- migrated enter/shift-enter to commands. Testcases mostly green.
- migrated list functionalities to commands (indent, outdent, insertorderedlist/unorderedlist) and wrote tests. All tests work in Chrome and IE
- Will work on enter in lists and other aloha fixes
- some bugfixes in contenthandler, lists and imageplugin
- will continue to work on firefox tests
- worked on selections
- works okay, but lists and void elements still need improvements
- remember to log in to the freenode chat server
- created source viewer panel
- worked on delete tests - chrome is fine, ie still breaking but no more exceptions
- table plugin refactoring (table.js for table object and selection stuff splitted)
- some pull requests merged
- undo plugin review + some fixes
- table plugin bug fixing
- more undo plugin fixes
- typo3 conf + speak plugin made
- some bugs in engine.js for IE fixed
- problem with execCommand with selections fixed
- moved plugins to extra + common dirs -- no more media etc.
- UI prototype as plugin with commands support as toolbar (html buttons)
- conf in hamburg
- IE command + selection
- tasks from sprint
- building fixed + documentation
- manual quality test for link plugin + feature list (no links in tables; in a editable=false in an editable=true the editable=false is accessable via menu)
- works on building process
- link plugin
- delete tests are working for the most cases (they are not relevant for users (empty nodes))
- delete implementation in aloha core
- improve delete handling + tests
- forwarddelete handling + tests
- browser plugin refactored (+ implemented with GCN)
- enter handling test cases (no table and script tag tests in editables)
- finish tests + fix not working tests
- refactor aloha commands with new command/engine library (br-tag handling in different browsers)
- range normalisation around flow elements (incl. study of source of browsers) --> following webkit implementation
- add support for non-flow elements
- merge + tests for flow and non-flow elements
- ext.js css fixes
- boilerplate after build fixes
- some new bugs found
- contenthandler refactoring
- documentation for contenthandler / building on mac
- more documentation; contenthandler at getContents
- list handling
- implemented repository browser in an Aloha Editor related project, and fixed some bugs
- will work on dev-commands next week
- implemented image plugin in a project
- is working on Aloha Editor bugfixes
- tried to get guides to work, but did not succeed
- will continue to work on fixes
- worked on selections - plaintext and phrasing elements and void elements, but there are still some broken test cases
- couldnt work on the async framework
- will see if he has time to work on other Aloha Editor related things
- worked on the table plugin this weekend - cell merging/splitting, insert, delete will now work better. there are still problems though, but heavy refactoring helped
- will continue to work on the table plugin
- split up the table plugin to multiple files
- finished selection tests & did some fixes
- improved testbox to be able to run commands on selections
- fixed range engine
- added option to configure the floating menu buttons
- worked to finish delete tests from Haymo
- some fixes to range engines
- will continue now with
Tobias, Haymo, Norbert, Petro, Clemens (protocol)
- Tobias: merged all submodules to one single repository. History is mantained. All merged submodules are forked to the Gentics github user to not distract developers looking at the alohaeditor github user. Next week he will im prove tables with cell merging.
- Norbert: Trys to get the repository manager independed from Aloha Editor so it can be used as standalone tool.
- Petro: Worte test site for manual selection tests. Could'nt write the test tool. Will try this week. NExt week consolidate selection across all browsers.
- Clemens: Improved automatic building to prepare a better nigthly build für developer. Next Week he will extend the floating menu to allow user specific configurations
- Haymo: Improved table selection and column operations. Wrote testframework and tests for selection. Will write more tests, document and improve build process
Tobias, Haymo, Norbert, Petro, Clemens (protocol)
- Tobias: fixed Aloha Editor Bugs, will continue to do so
- Haymo: did many bugfixes, mainly for the table plugin. fixed dev-require-config branch last weekend, where loading is simplified and unit tested. the new branch also includes unit tests and documentation (guides). Also cleaned up the lifecycle, eg. "aloha"-event has been moved to "aloha-ready".
- Guides will instruct you on how to use Aloha Editor correctly and therefore must be read by every developer. Also includes coding guidelines (taken from jQuery). Plugin and CSS loading is also explained. Regarding the build process: from now on, only aloha.js will be loaded, which contains requirejs, jQuery and Ext.js. Using bin/update-aloha.js will regenerate the aloha.js file - you need to execute this one when editing aloha bootstrap.
- Build process: "./build.sh aloha" will look for a folder named "aloha" which contains all build configuration for requirejs (which files/plugin should be combined, etc.). nodejs and r.js is required to use the build file. Haymo will add hooks to the build process, so you can perform custom actions on each step of the build process. Uglify does not work right now - we need to check with jslint for js errors. Also is currently much bigger than we really need it since not all of ExtJS is used anymore. Output is written to the out directory.
- Unit tests: can also be run against the built version. Haymo added new tests for all things that are described in the guides (basic settings and plugin api). Petro fixed async tests with testOrder array, as one async test is run after the other - no parallel testing anymore. This will lead to consistent results among various browsers.
- All plugins should be bundled in one core repository which is no submodule anymore. A possible goal could be two bundles: one core plugin bundle and one extra bundle. All plugins will be merged into dev branch, and then be deleted.
- Petro: some fixes for Aloha Editor. Wants to write email about new architecture of Aloha Editor to the core team, as there are still problems with Aloha Editors architecture. He'll think about discussion points for the core team regarding this for next week. Also more testing is needed for the build version (onload), as loading will trigger many events simultaneously.
- Norbert: was on holiday last week, and will not have time for Aloha Editor next week, as he's on a project
- Johannes (told by Haymo): worked on the image plugin and it's integration in Gentics Content.Node. Will also work outside of editables. Works quite well and looks nice.
- Clemens: did some bugfixes and merged pull requests for Aloha Editor. Will continue to do so.
Attendees: Haymo, Petro, Rene, Sebastian, Tobias, Clemens (Protocol)
- Haymo
- Petro
- Rene
- Sebastian
- Tobias
- Clemens
Attendees: Norbert Pomaroli, Tobias Steiner, Haymo Meran, Petro Salema
- Norbert: In the last 2 weeks, been trying to get tests to work. Tests work generally well in dev branch. Tests in testswarm remain unstable. Fixed various bugs here and there. Merged Gentics' fork into stable branch. Merged table plugin from Lakshan. Also tested it and fixed some bugs.
- Toby: Fixed bug with list insertion. Plans to fix multiple bugs in the following week.
- Haymo: Working on introducing commands api into Aloha-Editor. Hopes to finish this today. (Link: http://aryeh.name/spec/editing/editing.html)
command = 'inserthtml'; Aloha.execCommand( command, false, value ); var tests = { defaultValue: 'bar', defaultCommand: 'inserthtml', tests: [ { start: 'foo[]', expected: 'foobar[]' }, { start: 'fo[o]', expected: 'fobar[]' }, ] }
- Petro: Working on Aloha related project. Investigating bug with extjs stylesheets causing requirejs failures. Will try for a fix. May send bug report or a fix to developer of requirejs css plugin.
Norbert, Tobias, Johannes
- Norbert: Fixed RepositoryManager to work with require.js in DEV branch, Modified requiring ext files from ext-all to only the necessary packages. Modified submodule URLS to be https, because the "git@" URLs do not work for anonymous users. Will make fixes to aloha DEV branch in the coming week
- Tobias: had no time to work on aloha, but worked on aloha related project. Will continue to do so.
- Johannes: Was in Tyrol last week. Fixed errors in repositorymanager. Looked at building (which doesn't work). Building of CSS files seems to be the problem, Haymo is working on this. Moved demos from core to plugins. Fixed IE related JS bug (demos work now in IE as good as in other browsers). Worked on Content.Node integration for aloha. Will work in image plugin next week.
Norbert, Petro, Sebastian, Haymo, Clemens
- Norbert: had no time last week. He will try to fix the tests.
- Rene (via Norbert): Had no time last week. Next week implement drupal & slides for preseation
- Petro: worked on the sidebar. Next week extending sidebar for process oriented working. Problem plugin requires a plugin, showing errors when during loading. Requiring plugins return new instances
- Sebastian: did no work last week. Will have a look at the tests. Fixing css issues.
- Haymo: Was on vacation last week. Will continue work on building (update new r.js version)
- Clemens: Fixed bug with IE and merged pull requests. Next week on vacation.
Tobias, Petro, Johannes, Norbert, Clemens
- Tobias: is working on an Aloha-related project yet to be revealed
- Petro: worked on Sidebar, will make a pull request as the API has changed. Each plugin will now need to call .show() and .open() on it's sidebar. It's now also possible to show the whole stack of elements in the sidebar. Will ready the plugin to be used with requirejs. Also did a bunch of fixes (requirejs). Added an issue about the big problems when requirejs fails -> everything fails.
- Johannes: merged 0.10 into dev. Satisfied Haymos pull request, but merge broke Aloha so he will have a look at possible fixes. Not sure if he can spend enough time on it though. Fixed repository handling bugs. Rewrote WAI-Lang plugin for use with requirejs. Created issues for every error - would be great if others participated on those issues. Created pull requests from his fork, but gets too few replies. Will continue to work on those issues he's created.
- Norbert: did some bogfixes in 0.9.3 stable (core & plugins) - will continue to do so and/or improve tests.
- Clemens: prepared a training on Aloha plugins for a customer. Will work on Aloha-dev related problems next week.
Tobias - done nothing last week, will do nothing next week. currently works on an Aloha-Editor related project.
Johannes - forked 0.10 branch into dev branch and sent a pull request. fixed boilerplate demo and fixed bug in listplugin so that it works with requirejs. will work on more bugfixes so that the 0.10 branch can be frozen and so that future development can happen in the dev branch only.
Norbert - no time last week, will try to find some time next week. will look at the tests in the dev branch. switched test swarm so that the tests will be fetched from the dev branch and not from 0.10.
Sebastian - cleaned up git repository. cleaned up roadmap wiki. will continue cleaning up issue tracker.
Haymo - completed merging rquirejs last week. finished bundles [moving]. created the proper branches for requirejs. had a look at requirejs and commonjs design patterns. wants to update the documentation on how we are going to use requirejs and commonjs and said that sebastian u. christopher already created some guides to this effect and that we should set-up our development environments accordingly. will be on holiday next week.
Clemens - done nothing last week, will do nothing next week.
Note from Norbert: we should mute the microphone during the conference, unless we are speaking, since otherwise too much noise is introduced.
Tobias - nichts, nichts Johannes - 0.10 in dev branch geforked und pull request abgeschickt, lässt sich autmoatisch in dev mergen, boilerplate demo gefixed, bug im listplugin gefixed (funkt mit requirejs), ist dara weitere bugs auszuräumen damit wir möglichst bald 0.10 auflösen können und nur noch dev verwenden, es gab probleme beim mergen und man sollte nicht mehr im 0.10 entwickeln. norbert - keine zeit letzte Woche, nächste Woche wenn er Zeit findet, wird sich im dev branch die tests ansehen damit die gefixed werden kann, test swarm umgestellt dass aus dev die geholte werden und nicht aus 0.10 sebastian - git repository aufgeräumt, wiki roadmap site aufgeräumt, issue tracker aufgeräumt und wird damit fortsetzen haymo - letzte woche requirejs fertig gemerged, bundles fertiggemacht, richtigen branches eingerichtet, requirejs und commonjs patterns angesehen, möchte im laufe der woche doku aktualisieren wie wir requirejs/commonjs verwenden werden, sebastian u. christopher haben guides erstellt und wir sollten unsere entwicklungsumgebung entsprechend einrichten, nächste woche urlaub clemens - nichts gemacht, wird nicht dazukommen etwas zu machen norbert - alle die nicht am wort sind sollten microfon muten und wir hören wahrscheinlich besser dadurch.
Norbert, Tobias, Haymo (Protocol), Clemens, Johannes
- did nothing relevant and no time next week
- did nothing relevant and no time next week
- table bugfixes should be merged
- added building with requirejs in branch dev-requirejs
- will try to finish build process
- charakterpicker added from sifu
- please merge pull request
- please do not merge direct into dev or master
- will work next week on image plugin
- worked on Aloha Blocks (bugfixing)
- will work not on Aloha Editor next week
- started with disable Enter feature
Norbert, Rene, Tobias, Haymo, Clemens (Protocol)
- fixed bugs with selection handling which aeffected removal of formatting
- worked on palsu
- tried to fix some bugs with link plugin
- had no time for aloha last week
- wrote Aloha Blocks concept
- worked with Christopher & Sebastian from typo3
- added building with requirejs in branch dev-build
- will try to finish build process
- worked on Aloha Blocks
- added a new Utils.Dom method named selectDomNode which will accomplish exactly what it's named like :)
- will work on Aloha Block next week
Johannes (Protocol), Norbert, Clemens, Haymo, Tobias, Thomas
- Fixed loading process on core files. Order of loaded files was buggy. Currently loading of plugin is also buggy and Norbert will work on that. This issue only affects the developer version of aloha.
- He will work on the loading of plugins and hopefully create some more tests.
- He worked on the Aloha Editor WAI Language Plugin and added a wordpress internal links repository plugin extension to the front-end-editor wordpress plugin. This allows the user to set internal links within a wordpress blog to other blog posts.
- Johannes will work on the front-end-editor plugin for the next week.
- Had not a lot of time to do something. He is currently working with the old aloha versions and developing plugins for it.
- He fixed some bugs on some plugins. He will push those fixes some time later.
- Worked with haymo on a merge on the Gentics Repository. Bugfixes were merged into the 0.10. The table plugin still needs to be merged.
- He will work on merging that plugin.
- Worked with Tobias on the merging of the gentics branch into the 0.10. He did a pull request so that other developers/contributers can review his changes. He invites everyone to create pull request instead of pushing the changes directly into the origin. This should improve code quality.
- He worked on a draft on the blockhandling. Haymo will focus on implementing blockhandling with the Typo3 people.
- He also stated that feature branches should be named as dev-feature as described in the developer documentation. Branches that were named wrong should be renamed asap.
- Was working on the 0.10 integration into Content.Node. He did not do any bugfixes for that at the moment.
- This week he will work together with the Typo3 guys on blockhandling.
Johannes, Thomas, Haymo, Norbert, Nicolas, Clemens (Protocol)
- no Protocols online since 2011-06-08 - remind Rene about putting them on
- last week didnt find time to work on wordpress plugin
- started accessibility plugin for aloha
- will do some bugfixing
- fixed linklist extension with haymo - works now with 0.10
- improved link plugin and ribbon & released google maps plugin
- will improve gmaps plugin
- good news: Gentics has been awarded for Project based on aloha editor
- next to month focus on aloha
- append.to signed contribution agreement (Scott Gonzales & the whole company)
- fixed #130, #131, #126
- merge bugfixes from gentics branch
- fixed testswarm - now we can do tests with plugins
- investigate how files are loaded & issues with tests
- will do more tests
- last week didnt work with aloha
- next maybe image
- worked on integration of aloha editor 0.10 in Gentics Content.Node
- will continue that - hoping for first commits on friday
Haymo, Johannes, Tobias, Norbert, Benjamin, Rene (Protocol)
- new demo: boilerplate is on github
- abbr plugin fixes
- fixed other issues from tracker
- discuss if there should be a 0.9.4 bugfixed release
- fix blockers for 0.10
- Wordpress plugin 2.1.1 released
- add Repositories support for WP Plugin next week
- tests on markup code added
- bugfixing around tests next week
- mentioned problems with stability (loading scripts)
- planned to add more tests next week
- follow the #aedc
- buildr updates
- clean up structure in repos
- tested repository lookup via localStore as cache (twitter friends as source)
- finding topics for semtech UK talk about aloha + semantic technologies
- all building scripts in one place
- improve documentation https://github.com/alohaeditor/Aloha-Editor/issues/128
Clemens (Protocol), Norbert, Johannes, Benjamin
- Clemens: did not do anything for aloha last week, and won't be able to do anything next week as he will be on holiday. If there is some time left this week, he'll be working on issues from github.
- Norbert: last week added markup tests, fixed applying markup and reading markup stuff. test run green except (ie7) - still investigating. add more tests as applying markup does not work right now. already filed a bug for that issue, which he will work on.
- Johannes: released 2.1 wp frontend editing plugin, which has about 2000 downloads right now. Will work on linking to Wordpress posts
- Benjamin: worked through blockers, got aloha pretty stable, will be working on buildr and cli
Benjamin, Johannes, Norbert, Clemens, Sebastian, Rene (Protocol)
- done: internationalisation process working async now; works in all the browser; default plugin to loader
- this week: better compiling; dependency management
- Wordpress Plugin released: http://scribu.net/wordpress/front-end-editor
- Update WP Plugin +Usability
- Testswarm on aloha-editor.org (10 min check for commits) http://testswarm.aloha-editor.org/
- add info about how to join the testswarm
- Improvements for tests next week
- integrate aloha 0.10 into typo3 phönix started
- upgrade aloha to work with phönix
- VIE plugin updated
- not a lot Aloha specific but working on an Aloha related project
- next week #aedc
- tried to use 0.10 and update some old plugins
Clemens, Norbert, Benjamin, Sebastian, Tobias, Johannes
- Clemens
- Norbert
- Benjamin
- Sebastian
- Tobias
- Johannes
Clemens, Norbert, Benjamin, Johannes, Nicolas, Haymo
- Clemens
- Norbert
- Benjamin
- Johannes
- Nico
Important notice: reference issues in commits!
- Haymo
- Tobias
Norbert Pomaroli, Johannes Schüth, Sebastian Kurfürst, Clemens Prerovsky (protocol), Haymo Meran, Tobias Steiner, Thomas Lete (Email), Nicolas Karageuzian (Email)
- Norbert
- Johannes
- Sebastian
- Clemens
- Haymo
- Tobias
- Thomas (via Email)
- Nico (via Email)
For the work i'll do : - aliment issue #94 with enhancement on my upcoming pull : paralyzing load of js who aren't interdependent.
Benjamin should then help me include those enhancements in build process (he'll be far quicker than me).
- work on Image plugin, close it's issues
For my remarks : - Need some bug triage in Aloha-Editor project
Norbert Pomaroli, Thomas Lete, Clemens Prerovsky, Haymo Meran(protocol), Tobias Steiner, Benjamin Lupton, Rene Kapusta
- Norbert did not start with tests yet. Will start next week
- Johannes fixed a bug in the wordpress plugin. build aloha with new buildr and maven (please feedback on the proposal)
- Clemens 0.10 milestone fixed 2 issues. Examples do not work. This week working on Aloha Editor project and milestone issues.
- Haymo did not find time for plugin lifecycle. Will do this week
- Tobi Last week I spent a few hours making jshint fixes. I didn't push anything yet. I will not support the two options onevar and strict at this time (strict hopefully later, when we have tests). I will continue making the fixes next week. A killer feature of jshint is that it required variables to be predeclared. may types have already be uncovered through that.
- Benjamin development guide fixed for fedora distro reported some issues.
- Rene working on annotation plugin - annotate persons and tasks. VIE plugin.
- Thomas still working on getting buildr running.
- Nico Done last days: Integrated the new Aloha branch, and played a few use cases. Planning next week: Play more use cases and solve issues of Image plugin. Q: Is DragAndDrop files attended for 0.10 ? (Still some big issues with IE, it would be wise to delay DragAndDrop to further release)
Attendees: Norbert Pomaroli (protocol), Thomas Lete, Clemens Prerovsky, Haymo Meran, Tobias Steiner, Benjamin Lupton, Rene Kapusta
- Clemens: worked on the ExtJS Bug last week (concerning the multisplit Button). He Tracked it down and found that it is somehow related to the jQuery.store() Issue #88. He will keep working on that for the next week.
A (Benjamin): dev-uiclean branch has a lot of cleaning and refactoring done and will be merged back into 0.10 before release.
- Benjamin: Improved documentation on the wiki, Checked and handled some github issues and talked to distributors. Next week he will get his computer fixed, as his MacBook died yesterday.
- Thomas: Did noting last week, but is planning to push the plugin he developed at the devcon (google Maps).
- Tobias: Managed to build Aloha from the dev-uiclean branch on Linux (which was not easy). Will concentrate on the jslint fixes next week.
- Norbert: Is writing the protocol. Talked to Jörn Zaefferer from jQuery-UI about testing. jQuery-UI use QUnit and TestSwarm. Will try to have a simple test up and running for next week.
- Rene: Postponed the work planned for last week until this week.
- Haymo: Was on vacation last week. He encourages everyone to work on 0.10, which is far away from being release-ready). There are lots of issues on the issue tracker, so everyone should concentrate to make 0.10 stable.
- Rene: Are all open issues in issue tracker and labelled with 0.10?
- Benjamin: The issues are tracked with milestones
- Haymo: We collect issues in milestone 0.10 so everybody can pick from there
- Benjamin: People can pick unassigned issues
- Haymo: Cross Browser compatibility is very important. Currently, the demos don't work on IE and FF!
Attendes: Norbert Pomaroli, Thomas Lete, Clemens Prerovsky, Johannes Schüth (protocol), Haymo Meran, Tobias Steiner, Benjamin Lupton, Rene Kapusta, Tobias Steiner, Nicolas Karageuzian
- Clemens: He described the workflow for the meeting. The Meeting will be repeated each week. And we'll make a review of all meetings once a month. The protocoll will be put on the wiki. He will work on bug fixes (He will decide which one until next).
- Johannes: He examined the new build process and will work on it and introduce nightlybuild of aloha. He did the protocol.
- Rene: Was working on the annotation plugin and will finish it. He also implemented the text selection for suggestion and tag recommendation. He also found some bugs and reported them.
- Haymo: He attended the jquery conference and talked about aloha editor there. He thinks that the building should be finished for the 0.10 branch. He worked on the aloha plugin lifecycle. He mentioned that bugs should be directly mentioned at the weekly conference (perhaps by refering to listed issue numbers).
- Ben: He worked on the buildprocess and fixed the plugin lifecylce and he encounted a extjs bug. He needs some help on fixing the bug.
- Norbert: He tried to get aloha 0.10 working on his workstation and he wants to get tests running for aloha editor. He wants to have continuous testing in aloha.
- Tobias: He will try to help Benjamin with the jslint checks and fixes in the coming week.
- Thomas: His Wikeo project is currently paused at the moment so it's difficult for him to commit patches for Aloha. He did a Google Maps plugin but still needs to push it to its repo.
- Nicolas: He tried to follow the aloha evolutions. He'll integrate it next week to see how the Image plugin is working in this new structure.