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Lexical tests library for an Alpheios project - command line version

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Alpheios Lexical Tests - command line versiom

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  • Node >= 7

Install Dependencies

npm install


from dist folder using node.js

node alpheios-lt-cmdtool dataFile paramsFile configFile

from packaged folder (node.js is packed inside, so you don't need to setup node.js)


alpheios-lt-cmdtool-linux dataFile paramsFile configFile

Mac OS

alpheios-lt-cmdtool-macos dataFile paramsFile configFile


alpheios-lt-cmdtool-win dataFile paramsFile configFile


dataFile - optional - json file (default = data.json)

paramsFile - optional - json file (default = params.json)

configFile - optional - json file (default = config.json)


Name Type Obligatory Default Description
tabDelimiter String \t Delimiter is used in .csv files
langs Array of Strings [] Used for defining translation's languages to translation-client
skipShortDefs Boolean false Define if requests for short definitions should be skipped
skipFullDefs Boolean false Define if requests for full definitions should be skipped
downloadMorph Boolean false Define if CSV with morph data should be created
downloadShortDef Boolean false Define if CSV with short definitions should be created
downloadFullDef Boolean false Define if CSV with full definitions should be created
downloadTranslations Boolean false Define if CSV with translations should be created
downloadFailedMorph Boolean false Define if CSV with failed words from morph-client should be created
downloadFailedShortDef Boolean false Define if CSV with words failed to get short definitions from lexical-client should be created
downloadFailedFullDef Boolean false Define if CSV with words failed to get full definitions from lexical-client should be created
downloadFailedTranslations Boolean false Define if CSV with words failed to get translations from lemma-client should be created
downloadFailedAnything Boolean false Define if CSV with words failed in any case should be created

dataFile (variant 1) - Object:

Name Type Obligatory Default Description
queue_max Integer 2 The amount of parallel requests (by target word)
data Array of Objects + The array ob objects, each one defines a word and it's options for collecting data, The object structure should be the same as desacribed in the dataFile (variant 2)

dataFile (variant 2) - Array of Objects:

Name Type Obligatory Default Description
targetWord String + A word for collecting data about
languageCode String + A language identifier of the target word - variants are defined in configFile - lat, grc, per, ara
lexiconShortOpts Object There are 3 variants of defining this parameter:
* no data at all, fetch for short definitions will be skipped
* empty object or { "codes": [] }, fetch for short definitions will be done for all available dictionaries
* { "codes": ["lsj"] } - with defined dictionary codes in code array, fetch for short definitions will be done for pointed dictionaries
lexiconFullOpts Object It is the same as for lexiconShortOpts but specifies the dictionary or dictionaries from which to retrieve full definitions


Name Type Obligatory Default Description
languages Object + Object defines available languages for getting morph data.
It has the following structure:
key - languageCode (lat, grc, per, ara)
value - the name of the language, the same as it called in Constants - latin, greek, persian, arabic
dictionaries Object + Object defines available dictionaries for getting lexical data.
It has the following structure:
key - dictionaryCode
value - Object with the following structure:

- url - url of getting data from the dictionary,
- name - dictionary name for using it in the printed results,
- languageCode - languageCode of the dictionary
translationlangs Object + Object defines available languages for getting translations from lemma-client.
It has the following structure:
key - languageCode (browser language)
value - languageCode (translation language)


Lexical tests library for an Alpheios project - command line version






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