Alpheios Lexical Tests - command line versiom
- Node >= 7
npm install
node alpheios-lt-cmdtool dataFile paramsFile configFile
alpheios-lt-cmdtool-linux dataFile paramsFile configFile
alpheios-lt-cmdtool-macos dataFile paramsFile configFile
alpheios-lt-cmdtool-win dataFile paramsFile configFile
dataFile - optional - json file (default = data.json)
paramsFile - optional - json file (default = params.json)
configFile - optional - json file (default = config.json)
Name | Type | Obligatory | Default | Description |
tabDelimiter | String | \t |
Delimiter is used in .csv files | |
langs | Array of Strings | [] |
Used for defining translation's languages to translation-client | |
skipShortDefs | Boolean | false |
Define if requests for short definitions should be skipped | |
skipFullDefs | Boolean | false |
Define if requests for full definitions should be skipped | |
downloadMorph | Boolean | false |
Define if CSV with morph data should be created | |
downloadShortDef | Boolean | false |
Define if CSV with short definitions should be created | |
downloadFullDef | Boolean | false |
Define if CSV with full definitions should be created | |
downloadTranslations | Boolean | false |
Define if CSV with translations should be created | |
downloadFailedMorph | Boolean | false |
Define if CSV with failed words from morph-client should be created | |
downloadFailedShortDef | Boolean | false |
Define if CSV with words failed to get short definitions from lexical-client should be created | |
downloadFailedFullDef | Boolean | false |
Define if CSV with words failed to get full definitions from lexical-client should be created | |
downloadFailedTranslations | Boolean | false |
Define if CSV with words failed to get translations from lemma-client should be created | |
downloadFailedAnything | Boolean | false |
Define if CSV with words failed in any case should be created |
Name | Type | Obligatory | Default | Description |
queue_max | Integer | 2 | The amount of parallel requests (by target word) | |
data | Array of Objects | + | The array ob objects, each one defines a word and it's options for collecting data, The object structure should be the same as desacribed in the dataFile (variant 2) |
Name | Type | Obligatory | Default | Description |
targetWord | String | + | A word for collecting data about | |
languageCode | String | + | A language identifier of the target word - variants are defined in configFile - lat, grc, per, ara | |
lexiconShortOpts | Object | There are 3 variants of defining this parameter: * no data at all, fetch for short definitions will be skipped * empty object or { "codes": [] } , fetch for short definitions will be done for all available dictionaries * { "codes": ["lsj"] } - with defined dictionary codes in code array, fetch for short definitions will be done for pointed dictionaries |
lexiconFullOpts | Object | It is the same as for lexiconShortOpts but specifies the dictionary or dictionaries from which to retrieve full definitions |
Name | Type | Obligatory | Default | Description |
languages | Object | + | Object defines available languages for getting morph data. It has the following structure: key - languageCode (lat, grc, per, ara)value - the name of the language, the same as it called in Constants - latin, greek, persian, arabic |
dictionaries | Object | + | Object defines available dictionaries for getting lexical data. It has the following structure: key - dictionaryCodevalue - Object with the following structure:- url - url of getting data from the dictionary,- name - dictionary name for using it in the printed results,- languageCode - languageCode of the dictionary |
translationlangs | Object | + | Object defines available languages for getting translations from lemma-client. It has the following structure: key - languageCode (browser language)value - languageCode (translation language) |