Micro is a microservice toolkit. Its purpose is to simplify distributed systems development.
Check out go-micro if you want to start writing services in Go now or ja-micro for Java. Examples of how to use micro with other languages can be found in examples/sidecar.
Learn more about Micro in the introductory blog post https://micro.mu/blog/2016/03/20/micro.html or watch the talk from the Golang UK Conf 2016.
Follow us on Twitter at @MicroHQ, join the Slack community here or check out the Mailing List.
The goal of Micro is to simplify distributed systems development. At the core micro should be accessible enough to anyone who wants to get started writing microservices. As you scale to hundreds of services, micro will provide the necessary tooling to manage a microservice environment.
The toolkit is composed of the following components:
Go Micro - A pluggable RPC framework for writing microservices in Go. It provides libraries for service discovery, client side load balancing, encoding, synchronous and asynchronous communication.
Sidecar - A language agnostic RPC proxy with all the features of go-micro as HTTP endpoints. While Go is a great language for building microservices, you may also want to use other languages, so the Sidecar provides a way to integrate your other apps into the Micro world.
API - An API Gateway that serves HTTP and routes requests to appropriate micro services. It acts as a single entry point and can either be used as a reverse proxy or translate HTTP requests to RPC.
Web - A web dashboard and reverse proxy for micro web applications. We believe that web apps should be built as microservices and therefore treated as a first class citizen in a microservice world. It behaves much the like the API reverse proxy but also includes support for web sockets.
CLI - A straight forward command line interface to interact with your micro services. It also allows you to leverage the Sidecar as a proxy where you may not want to directly connect to the service registry.
Bot - A Hubot style bot that sits inside your microservices platform and can be interacted with via Slack, HipChat, XMPP, etc. It provides the features of the CLI via messaging. Additional commands can be added to automate common ops tasks.
For more detailed information on the architecture, installation and use of the toolkit checkout the docs.
Learn how to write and run a microservice using go-micro.
Read the Getting Started guide or the blog post on Writing microservices with Go-Micro.
go get -u github.com/micro/micro
Or via Docker
docker pull microhq/micro
We need service discovery, so let's spin up Consul (the default); checkout go-plugins to swap it out.
Mac OS
brew install consul
consul agent -dev
docker run -d -p 8500:8500 --name=consul consul agent -server -bootstrap -client=
Or we can use multicast DNS for zero dependency discovery
Pass --registry=mdns
to the below commands e.g micro --registry=mdns list services
Run the greeter service
go get github.com/micro/examples/greeter/srv && srv
List services
$ micro list services
Get Service
$ micro get service go.micro.srv.greeter
service go.micro.srv.greeter
version 1.0.0
Id Address Port Metadata
go.micro.srv.greeter-34c55534-368b-11e6-b732-68a86d0d36b6 62525 server=rpc,registry=consul,transport=http,broker=http
Endpoint: Say.Hello
Metadata: stream=false
Request: {
name string
Response: {
msg string
Query service
$ micro query go.micro.srv.greeter Say.Hello '{"name": "John"}'
"msg": "Hello John"
Read the docs to learn more about entire toolkit.
If you want to integrate plugins simply link them in a separate file and rebuild
Create a plugins.go file
import (
// etcd v3 registry
_ "github.com/micro/go-plugins/registry/etcdv3"
// nats transport
_ "github.com/micro/go-plugins/transport/nats"
// kafka broker
_ "github.com/micro/go-plugins/broker/kafka"
Build binary
// For local use
go build -i -o micro ./main.go ./plugins.go
// For docker image
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -ldflags '-w' -i -o micro ./main.go ./plugins.go
Flag usage of plugins
micro --registry=etcdv3 --transport=nats --broker=kafka
Project | Description |
Micro Dashboard | Dashboard for microservices toolchain micro |
Ja-Micro | A micro compatible java framework for microservices |
Open source development of Micro is sponsored by Sixt