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The world (Halley::World) is the top-level object that stores data for the Entity Component System.
The world represents the set of entities that can see and interact with each other, plus the systems that can manipulate them, and the services they can access. You typically have only one world in a given stage, but you could have more (if, for example, your game is simulating multiple independent "worlds").
Worlds are normally declared as a YAML, which specifies which Systems run, in which order, and in which timelines. This YAML can then be picked up by the createWorld method of Halley::EntityStage (see Stages). An example file looks like this:
- TitleScreenUnitSpawn
- Move
- Hierarchy
- LoopingSound
- Time
- PlayerColour
- DestroyAfterAnimation
- SpriteAnimation
- TimeShader
- SpriteRender
- UIShadowRender
- CameraRender
World::World(const HalleyAPI* api);
Creates a new world. Requires a pointer to the Halley API. You might instead want to create it using the Halley::EntityStage (see Stages).
System& World::addSystem(std::unique_ptr<System> system, TimeLine timeline);
Manually adds a system to the world. You'd typically load the systems from a config file, instead (see Stages).
Service& World::addService(std::shared_ptr<Service> service);
Adds a service to the world. You must manually add any services required by any of the systems before stepping the world for the first time.
EntityRef World::createEntity();
Creates a new, empty entity. The returned Halley::EntityRef allows you to add components to it by chaining .addComponent on it. For example:
// Create the game camera
.addComponent(CameraComponent(Camera(), 0, int(SpriteMasks::InWorld), Colour4f(0, 0, 0, 1), {}))
.addComponent(HierarchyComponent({}, camRoot.getEntityId(), {}, true, false));
void World::destroyEntity(EntityId id);
Destroys the entity with the given Halley::EntityId. Does nothing if the entity doesn't exist.
EntityRef World::getEntity(EntityId id);
Returns a Halley::EntityRef to the entity with Halley::EntityId. Throws an exception if it doesn't exist. Note that this method is considered a "loophole" around the entity system, and should not normally be used.
Entity* tryGetEntity(EntityId id);
Obtains a pointer to the actual entity, based on its Halley::EntityId. Returns nullptr if it doesn't exist. Note that this method is a "loophole" on the entity system, and should not normally be used.
void World::step(TimeLine timeline, Time elapsed);
Steps the world on one of the timelines. Typically called from onVariableUpdate and onFixedUpdate. This is where most of the world logic actually runs.
void World::render(RenderContext& rc) const;
Rendering analogue to step. This is where all render systems have a chance to execute.