An Entity (GameObject) Component System framework for Unity3D, in C#.
For more detailed info, please see the EgoCS Wiki.
EgoCS aims to improve upon Unity3D's GameObject / Component relationship by completely decoupling Data and Behaviour, typical in Unity3D Components.
While there isn't a standard Entity Component System (ECS) pattern or reference implementation, EgoCS follows the most popular conventions:
- Entities (AKA GameObjects) are merely containers for Components (like in Unity3D).
- Components store data. And unlike Unity3D, Components ONLY store public data:
// Movement.cs
using UnityEngine;
public class Movement : MonoBehaviour
public Vector3 velocity = new Vector3( 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f );
- Systems run logic & perform updates on GameObjects, and Constraints determine which GameObjects:
// MovementSystem.cs
using UnityEngine;
// MovementSystem updates any GameObject with a Transform & Movement Component
public class MovementSystem : EgoSystem<
EgoConstraint<Transform, Movement>
public override void Start()
// Create a Cube GameObject
var cubeEgoComponent = Ego.AddGameObject( GameObject.CreatePrimitive( PrimitiveType.Cube ) ); = "Cube";
cubeEgoComponent.transform.position =;
// Add a Movement Component to the Cube
Ego.AddComponent<Movement>( cubeEgoComponent.gameObject );
public override void Update()
// For each GameObject that fits the constraint...
constraint.ForEachGameObject( ( egoComponent, transform, movement ) =>
// ...move it by the velocity in its Movement Component
transform.Translate( movement.velocity * Time.deltaTime );
} );
Following this convention literally, Systems are completely isolated from one another. To allow inter-system communication, EgoCS uses Events and a global Event Queue:
- Systems can register Event Handlers (methods) for specified Events. Multiple Systems can handle the same Event:
// ExampleSystem.cs
using UnityEngine;
public class ExampleSystem : EgoSystem<
public override void Start()
// Create a falling cube
var cubeEgoComponent = Ego.AddGameObject( GameObject.CreatePrimitive( PrimitiveType.Cube ) );
var cubeGameObject = cubeEgoComponent.gameObject; = "Cube";
cubeGameObject.transform.position = new Vector3( 0f, 10f, 0f );
Ego.AddComponent<Rigidbody>( cubeGameObject );
Ego.AddComponent<OnCollisionEnterComponent>( cubeGameObject );
// Create a stationary floor
var floorEgoComponent = Ego.AddGameObject( GameObject.CreatePrimitive( PrimitiveType.Cube ) );
var floorGameObject = floorEgoComponent.gameObject; = "Floor";
floorGameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3( 10f, 1f, 10f );
Ego.AddComponent<Rigidbody>( floorGameObject ).isKinematic = true;
Ego.AddComponent<OnCollisionEnterComponent>( floorGameObject );
// Register Event Handlers
EgoEvents<CollisionEnterEvent>.AddHandler( Handle );
void Handle( CollisionEnterEvent e )
var name1 =;
var name2 =;
Debug.Log( name1 + " collided with " + name2 );
- EgoCS provides built-in Events for most MonoBehavior Messages (OnCollisionEnter, OnTriggerExit, etc.), and you can easily create your own custom events:
// ExampleSystem.cs
using UnityEngine;
public class ExampleEvent: EgoEvent
public readonly int num;
public ExampleEvent( int num )
this.num = num;
public class ExampleSystem : EgoSystem<
public override void Start()
// Register Event Handlers
EgoEvents<ExampleEvent>.AddHandler( Handle );
var e = new ExampleEvent( 42 );
EgoEvents<ExampleEvent>.AddEvent( e );
void Handle( ExampleEvent e )
Debug.Log( e.num ); // 42
- Event objects can be created while a System is starting or updating (Ex: Collision, Win, etc). These Events are automatically sent to the back of the Ego Event Queue.
- Events are handled after all systems have updated.
TL;DR: Changes in Data (Components) will not break logic, and changes in logic (Systems) will not break Data. Maximum decoupling is achieved, and you will never have to write [RequireComponent(...)]
*shudder* again.
Place the "EgoCS" folder anywhere in your project's Assets folder:
cd [project_dir]/Assets/
git clone EgoCS
Create an empty GameObject in the scene, and give it an appropriate name (Ex: Game Manager
or EgoCS
Attach an EgoInterface
Component to this GameObject. This Component is the bridge between Unity3D and EgoCS.
Add your Systems to EgoCS in your EgoInterface
's static contructor:
// EgoInterface.cs
using UnityEngine;
public class EgoInterface : MonoBehaviour
static EgoInterface()
// Add Systems Here:
new ExampleSystem(),
new MovementSystem()
void Start()
void Update()
void FixedUpdate()
Like with GameObjects and MonoBehaviours, you can easily enable & disable Systems on-the-fly before and during runtime:
- Only OnTrigger* and OnCollision* MonoBehaviour Messages are converted into EgoEvents. More to be added.
- Unity3D v5.3+ Multi Scene Editing not supported (yet)
- Example projects
- Documentation