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Starts a webserver using an embedded neo4j graph database.


Because we need to admin and visualize the graph database. This is probably only going to be used for development and not in production (?)


In your gem file

gem 'neo4j-admin'

In your config/application.rb:

require 'neo4j-admin/railtie'

This will start the neo4j server at localhost:7474 using the same database instance as your rails app.

For a complete example, see the test/myapp folder

Known Issues

The Cypher Console does not work on JRuby 1.7.x because a missmatch of JARs (jline.Terminal seems to be used by both JRuby and Neo4j)

java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Found interface jline.Terminal, but class was expected


I also want it to work standalone:

neo4j-admin <storage_path>