Motivation • Installation • How to Play • License
Breakout is an arcade game developed by Atari Inc. and introduced on May 13, 1976. It was conceptualized by Nolan Bushnell and Steve Bristow, and influenced by the 1972 arcade game Pong. The game was ported to video game consoles and upgraded to video games such as Super Breakout. In addition, Breakout was the basis and inspiration for books, video games, and the Apple II personal computer.
In the game, a layer of bricks lines the top third of the screen. A ball travels across the screen, bouncing off the top and side walls of the screen. When a brick is hit, the ball bounces away and the brick is destroyed. The player loses a turn when the ball touches the bottom of the screen. To prevent this from happening, the player has a movable paddle to bounce the ball upward and back into play.
The arcade cabinet uses a black and white monitor. However, the monitor has strips of colored cellophane placed over it so that the bricks appear to be in color. The original Breakout is not featured in the arcade emulator MAME since the game is constructed from a series of discrete logic circuits. There is no processor in Breakout — the game must be "simulated" rather than emulated. Atari made the game available for play at home, first on their dedicate console "Video Pinball," and later as a cartridge for the Atari 2600.
Prerequisites:You must have Git installed on your console and also Python and PyGame
On GitHub, go to the main page of the repository.
Under the name of the repository, click Clone or download.
In the Clone with HTTPs section, click to copy the repository cloning URL.
Open Git Bash.
Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory to be made.
Type 'git clone', and then paste the URL that you copied in Step 2.
$ git clone
Press Enter. Your local clone will be created for Breakout.
Run in your favorite editor.
This Breakout clone can be control using the arrows ← / → To launch the ball you must use the key SPACE and to quit use Q
- Angelo Ortiz Vega - developer - angelortizv
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details