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Releases: angulardart/angular

pkg:angular v6.0.0

08 Oct 19:50
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25 Jul 22:59
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New features

  • Added ComponentRef.update(). This method should be used to apply changes
    to a component and then trigger change detection. Before this, change
    detection and lifecycles would not always follow Angular's specifications
    when imperatively loading a component, especialy for those using the OnPush
    change detection strategy.

    final componentRef = componentFactory();
    componentRef.update((component) {
      component.input = newValue;
  • Added @changeDetectionLink to package:angular/experimental.dart.

    This annotation allows a component that imperatively loads another component
    from a user-provided factory to adopt the OnPush change detection strategy,
    without dictacting the change detection strategy of the component created
    from the factory. This allows such a component to be used in both Default
    and OnPush apps.

    An annotated component will serve as a link between an ancestor and an
    imperatively loaded descendant that both use the Default change detection
    strategy. This link is used to change detect the descendant anytime the
    ancestor is change detected, thus honoring its Default change detection
    contract. Without this annotation, the descendant would be skipped anytime
    the annotated OnPush component had not been marked to be checked.

    For more details, see this annotation's documentation.



New Features

  • Added an optional named parameter, maxIterations, to
    FakeTimeNgZoneStabilizer's constructor. If not specified 10 maximum loops
    are attempted to elapse pending timers. In advanced use cases, a test may
    configure a higher threshold:

    NgZoneStabilizer allow100InsteadOf10() {
      return FakeTimeNgZoneStabilizer(timerZone, ngZone, maxIterations: 100);

Bug Fixes

  • NgTestFixture.update() now delegates to ComponentRef.update(), which
    automatically calls markForCheck(). Previously, an OnPush component
    under test might not have been properly updated.



  • Maintenance release to support Angular 6.0-alpha+1.



  • Maintenance release to support Angular 6.0-alpha+1.



  • The InjectorReader now fails with an explicit error if types are used inside
    a ValueProvider object. Previously, using types in ValueProviders would
    crash the AngularDart compiler.

    Instead of a ValueProvider, use a FactoryProvider for complicated objects,
    such as those that contain types.

  • Removed the i18n compiler flag that was previously used to opt-in to
    internationalization in templates before the feature had stabilized.

  • Added support for a command-line flag, allowed_typedefs_as_di_token. This
    is intended to be used as a transitional flag to ban using a typedef as a
    DI token (which has non-predictable properties in Dart 2).

  • Added $ChangeDetectionLink, a type checker for matching the experimental
    @changeDetectionLink annotation.



  • Maintenance release to support Dart 2.5 dev.



  • Maintenance release to support Angular 6.0-alpha+1.


30 May 19:42
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  • Maintenance release to bump the constraints on build_config.


07 May 01:55
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Breaking changes

  • The OnChanges lifecycle has been completely removed. Use AfterChanges

  • ExceptionHandler is no longer exported via angular/di.dart. Import this
    symbol via angular/angular.dart instead.

  • Directives no longer support extending, implementing, or mixing in

  • The /deep/ and >>> combinators are no longer supported in style sheets
    of components with style encapsulation enabled. The special ::ng-deep
    pseudo-element should be used in their stead to pierce style encapsulation
    when necessary.

  • ChangeDetectorRef.checkNoChanges() has been removed from the public API.


  • Deprecated ChangeDetectorRef.detach() and ChangeDetectorRef.reattach().
    Components that rely on these methods should use changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush instead.



  • Maintenance release to support Angular 6.0-alpha.



  • Maintenance release to support Angular 6.0-alpha.



Bug fixes

  • Navigation requests triggered by popstate events that redirect back to the
    active route will now correctly update the browser location to match the
    active route. Prior to this fix, the browser location would be left in the
    state changed by the popstate event.

  • The history stack prior to the current entry is now preserved when
    preventing a navigation triggered by the back button. Previously, preventing
    such a navigation would erase the previous history entry, causing subsequent
    history manipulations to have unexpected results.



  • The Angular analyzer plugin has moved into the core angular repo, and will be
    developed by the Angular team going forward.



  • Maintenance release to support the newest version of analyzer.



  • New ThrowingTemplateAstVisitor which throws by default in each visit


05 Apr 17:55
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New features

  • The template compiler issues a warning if a component that does not project
    content has children. Previously, these nodes were created and never
    attached. Now the nodes are not created at all.

  • Specialized interpolation functions for Strings.

  • Optimization: Removes toString() calls of interpolated strings bound to

  • The compiler now uses superclass information to determine immutability.

  • Added Injector.provideTypeOptional and Injector.provideTokenOptional.

  • The compiler now optimizes string bindings inside NgFor loops.

  • The compiler now adds type information to local variables in nested NgFor

  • The compiler now includes source locations to errors in annotations on class

  • The compiler now optimizes change detection for HTML Text nodes.

  • Disabled an optimization around pure-HTML DOM nodes wrapped in a *ngIf. In
    practice this optimization only kicked in for a few views per application
    and had a high runtime cost as well as a high overhead for the framework
    team. We have added and expect to add additional optimizations around the
    size of generated views.

Bug fixes

  • The template compiler now outputs the full path to a template file when it
    reports an error.

  • #1694: Composite keyup and keydown event bindings now ignore
    synthetic events (e.g. those triggered by a mouse click) instead of throwing
    a TypeError.

  • #1669: Fixed a regression which prevented a pipe invoked with more than
    two arguments from being passed as an argument to a function.

  • The compiler emits source locations for errors in Dart files when using an

  • Internationalized attribute, property, and input bindings will now properly
    escape characters in the message that would invalidate the generated string
    (such as \n, $, and '). This behavior is now consistent with
    internationalized text and HTML.

  • The template compiler no longer crashes on HTML attributes ending in ":"

  • When querying for a directive present in multiple embedded views (portions
    of the template controlled by a structural directive such as *ngIf) with
    @ViewChildren(), the directives in the resulting list are now in the same
    order as they appear in the template. Prior to this fix, directives in
    nested embedded views would occur before those in their parent view.

  • The template compiler now properly updates class statements for "literal
    attributes". Previously, we did not shim these classes correctly. This
    includes both raw attributes (e.g. class="foo") and host bindings (e.g.

  • The presence of a query (e.g. @ContentChild(TemplateRef)) no longer causes
    any matching <template> references to become available for dynamic
    injection (i.e. injector.provideType(TemplateRef)).

  • The template compiler now properly updates class bindings on SVG elements.
    Previously, we did not shim these classes correctly.

  • When using runAppAsync, beforeComponentCreated now runs within NgZone
    which previously surfaced bugs when services created and initialized in this
    callback did not trigger change detection.

  • The style sheet compiler will no longer emit invalid Dart code when a style
    sheet is placed within a directory whose name is not a valid Dart

  • The template compiler will now report a helpful error message when an
    @i18n.skip annotation has no corresponding @i18n description, instead of
    throwing an unhandled error.

Breaking changes

  • Removed castCallback2ForDirective from meta.dart. In practice this was
    not used. We also deprecated castCallback1ForDirective now that the
    directiveTypes: [ ... ] feature is live.

  • Removed deprecated AppViewUtils.resetChangeDetection(). This method was
    never intended to be used in the public API, and is no longer used by our
    own infra.

  • Using anything but ChangeDetectionStrategy.{Default|OnPush} is considered
    deprecated, as they were not intended to be publicly accessible states.
    See the deprecation messages for details.

  • ViewContainerRef.get() now returns a ViewRef instead of an

    For context, ViewContainerRef supports inserting both host views (created
    via ComponentFactory) and embedded views (created via TemplateRef).
    Today, EmbeddedViewRef can reference either kind of view, but in the
    future it will only reference the latter, for which its methods are actually
    relevant (for example setting locals has no purpose on host views). This
    change is in preperation for when a host view reference may not implement


  • OnChanges is now officially deprecated. Please use AfterChanges instead.

    • If you don't use the changes map at all, just remove the parameter and
      you're good to go.
    • If you are only tracking the change of one or two fields, consider using a
      boolean, i.e. valueChanged, which can be set in the value setter and
      then checked in ngAfterChanges.
    • If you are making extensive use of the changes map, then consider
      recreating the map manually.



New Features

  • Added support for periodic timers in FakeTimeNgZoneStabilizer.



  • Maintenance release to support Angular 5.3.



New features

  • RouteDefinition.defer now supports an optional prefetcher parameter
    which can be defined to prefetch additional resources that are dependent on
    the matched RouterState.

  • The RouteDefinition subclasses DeferredRouteDefinition,
    RedirectRouteDefinition, and ComponentRouteDefinition are now exported
    from package:angular_router/testing.dart.

Bug fixes

  • Deferred route loaders and prefetchers are no longer called a second time
    when matched during route resolution.

  • Navigation requests triggered by popstate events will now update the
    browser location if the resulting navigation matches a redirecting route or
    is transformed by a RouterHook implementation.



  • FormatExceptions thrown while parsing modules in InjectorReader are now
    rethrown as BuildErrors with source information.

  • The InjectorReader will fail earlier in the compile process on parse errors.

  • Unhandled errors from InjectorReader are now caught and reported with source

  • BuildError now has factory constructors to create errors for annotations and



  • Errors caused by parsing an invalid micro expression (i.e. *ngFor) are now
    reported to the registered ExceptionHandler rather than thrown.


10 Dec 22:55
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Breaking changes

  • The template parser no longer supports styles defined inside the template

    Previously, the following two snippets would have been parsed and shimmed in
    the same way.

    <style> .my-class {padding: 10px;} </style>
      styles: ['.other-class {padding: 10px;}'],
    class ExampleComponent{}

    Now, only the latter will be parsed and shimmed. The former will be ignored.

  • The template parser no longer supports loading stylesheets defined in an
    <link> tag in the template itself.

    Previously, the following two snippets would have loaded the exact same

    <link href="my-styles.css" rel="stylesheet" />
      styleUrls: ['my-styles.css'],
    class ExampleComponent {}

    Now, only the latter will actually be loaded. The former will be ignored.

  • The deprecated field, ComponentRef.componentType, which always threw, has
    now been completely removed. This was a legacy field for older clients of

New features

  • Better error messages in the compiler by failing fast on all analyzer errors
    in element annotations (@component, etc) and passing the analyzer error
    messages to the user.

  • Added runAfterChangesObserved to NgZone. This API is intended to be a
    more precise way to execute code after AngularDart would have run change
    detection (instead of relying on scheduleMicrotask or

  • Added new type-safe ways to use the Injector API without dynamic calls:

    void example(Injector injector) {
      // Injecting "SomeType".
      // Before:
      var someType1 = injector.get(SomeType) as SomeType;
      // After:
      var someType2 = injector.provide<SomeType>();
      // Injecting "OpaqueToken<SomeType>(...)".
      // Before:
      var someToken1 = injector.get(someToken) as SomeType;
      // After:
      var someToken2 = injector.provideToken(someToken);
  • The code in generated AppView no longer performs null safety ?. checks
    when calling child views .destroy() or .destroyNestedViews(). This means
    that misbehaving code could have slightly more confusing stack traces
    (new null errors), at the benefit of reduced code-size across the board.

  • It's now a build error for @Component() to include an entry in
    directiveTypes that types a directive not present in directives.

Bug fixes

  • #1653: AppView.lastRootNode now correctly returns the last root node
    when multiple ViewContainers are directly nested.

  • When using the @deferred annotation in a template file, ensure that the
    constructed component class uses the deferred import. For example, we now
    emit deflib1.ComponentName(...) instead of lib1.ComponentName(...). This
    should ensure Dart2JS properly defer loads the entire component.

  • Typing a generic directive with a private type argument is now a build
    error. Directive type arguments must be public so that they can be
    referenced by the generated library that instantiates the directive.
    Previously, this would build successfully but emit code that instantiated
    the directive with dynamic in place of the private type.

  • #1665: @Optional() dependencies of pipes are now correctly treated as
    optional. Previously the annotation was ignored, and attempting to
    instantiate the pipe with a missing optional dependency would throw an error
    for the missing dependency.

  • #1666: Properly emit calls from event bindings in templates where the
    tear-off function has one or more named arguments. Previously we would
    consider named arguments in the same vane as positional, and it would
    generate invalid code causing Dart2JS or DDC to fail compilation.

  • The @deferred annotation now also defers the annotated component's
    defining library, rather than just its generated template's library.



Breaking Changes

  • Changed NgTestStabilizer initialization from originating from a
    List<NgTestStabilizerFactory> to a single NgTestStabilizerFactory. The
    new top-level function composeStabilizers may be used to create a
    composite factory from multiple factories:

      (_) => stabilizer1,
      (_) => stabilizer2,

    This helps disambiguate the order of stabilizers running, which in turn will
    allow additional new stabilizers and features to be added in a non-breaking
    fashion. This change does not impact users that were not augmenting or
    creating their own stabilizers (i.e. most users/most tests).

  • Removed NgTestStabilizer.all. See composeStabilizers instead.

  • Removed NgZoneStabilizer. The new class is RealTimeNgZoneStabilizer,
    though most users should not be impacted NgTestBed now uses the new
    stabilizer by default.

New Features

  • Added a new NgTestStabilizer.alwaysStable, which does what it sounds like
    and always reports stability. This handles making composition easier as the
    root stabilizer can effectively be a no-op.

Bug Fixes

  • When using RealTimeNgZoneStabilizer, do not try to stabilize timers that
    run outside of Angular zone.



  • Maintenance release to support Angular 5.2.



  • Maintenance release to support Angular 5.2.



  • Updates the messages.unresolvedSource API to support different error
    messages for each SourceSpan affected.

  • Update failure message to include an asset id when collecting type

  • TypedReader now throws a build error when reading a private type argument.



  • Fixed a type error that occurred when recovering from a missing closing
    banana ')]'.


10 Oct 18:13
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New features

  • Added support for generic components and directives.

    Type arguments can now be specified for any generic components and
    directives via Typed instances passed to the Component annotation's
    directiveTypes parameter.

      selector: 'generic',
      template: '{{value}}',
    class GenericComponent<T> {
      T value;
      selector: 'example',
      template: '''
        <generic [value]="value"></generic>
      directives: [
      directiveTypes: [
    class ExampleComponent {
      var value = 'Hello generics!';

    The Typed class also has support for typing specific component and
    directive instances by #-reference, and flowing generic type parameters
    from the annotated component as type arguments to its children. See its
    documentation for details.

  • #930: Added @visibleForTemplate to package:angular/meta.dart. This
    is an optional annotation that may be used to annotate elements that
    should only be used from within generated code (i.e. a .template.dart).
    It is a compile-time hint, which may be treated as a failing build, to use
    annotated elements outside of the component or template.

    This annotation is intended to give component authors more control in
    specifying the public API of their component(s), especially coupled with the
    fact that AngularDart requires all members to be public to be reachable from
    generated code. For example, c and ngAfterChanges are only accessible
    from CalculatorComponent (or its template) in the following:

    import 'package:angular/angular.dart';
    import 'package:angular/meta.dart';
      selector: 'calculator-comp',
      template: '{{a}} + {{b}} = {{c}}',
    class CalculatorComponent implements AfterChanges {
      num a = 0;
      num b = 0;
      num c = 0;
      void ngAfterChanges() {
        c = a + b;

    NOTE: This feature is only enforced in SDK: >=2.1.0-dev.3.1.

  • Added support for internationalization in templates.

    The @i18n annotation marks content in document fragments or attributes for
    internationalization via integration with package:intl.

    A document fragment can be internationalized by applying the @i18n
    annotation to its parent element:

    <div @i18n="A description of the message.">
      A message to be <i>translated</i>!

    An attribute, property, or input <name> can be internationalized by
    applying the @i18n:<name> annotation to its host element:

        placeholder="A message to be translated"
        @i18n:placeholder="A description of the message.">

    Note that internationalization in templates currently only supports messages
    with static text and HTML. See the example for more details.

Bug fixes

  • #1538: A compile-time error is reported if the @deferred template
    annotation is present on a <template> element or is a sibling to a
    structural directive (such as *ngIf). Before we would silently drop/ignore
    the annotation, so this might be considered a breaking change of an
    incorrect program. The fix is just to move the annotation, such as:

    <!-- Before (Both are identical) -->
    <template @deferred [ngIf]="showArea">
    <expensive-comp *ngIf="showArea" @deferred></expensive-comp>
    <!-- After (Both are identical) -->
    <template [ngIf]="showArea">
      <expensive-comp @deferred></expensive-comp>
    <ng-container *ngIf="showArea">
      <expensive-comp @deferred></expensive-comp>
  • #1558: When importing a library.dart that has two or more components
    (i.e. Comp1 and Comp2), and at least one component is used @deferred
    and at least one component is used without @deferred, the compiler would
    generate invalid Dart code that would fail analysis/compilation to JS.
    Correct code is now emitted, allowing the described scenario to work.

  • #1539: Fixed a bug where components that were @deferred as the direct
    child of another <template> tag had phantom DOM left behind even after the
    parent template was destroyed. For example:

    <template [ngIf]="showComponent">
      <expensive-comp @deferred></expensive-comp>

    ... additionally, a check for a race condition of the deferred component
    being loaded after the parent view was already destroyed was added. As
    a result, #1540 has also been fixed (view and content queries were not
    getting reset as the @deferred node was destroyed).

  • #880: Fixed a bug where an extraneous space in *ngFor micro expression
    caused the directive to no longer be functional
    (*ngFor="let x; let i = $index ", for example).

  • #1570: When a provider's token for @GeneratedInjector(...) is read
    as null (either intentionally, or due to analysis errors/imports missing)
    a better error message is now thrown with the context of the error.

  • #434: In development mode, creating a component or service C that
    attempts to inject a missing dynamic dependency D will now throw an error
    message containing Could not find provider for D: C -> D. Previously the
    message was only Could not find provider for D in these cases, which was
    often not enough information to debug easily.

  • #1502: When parsing an invalid template micro expression (i.e.
    *ngFor="let item of items;" - note the trailing ;), throws a proper
    unexpected token error instead of a confusing type error during recovery.

  • #1500: Configuring a provider with FactoryProvider(Foo, null) is now
    a compile-time error, instead of a misleading runtime error.

  • #1591: Using @GenerateInjector with a ValueProvider bound to a
    String instance that expects a raw string (i.e r'$5.00') no longer
    generates invalid code. Now all strings are emitted as raw.

  • #1598: Using @GenerateInjector with a ValueProvider whose value
    is created as a const object with named arguments is now created
    correctly. Before, all named arguments were skipped (left to default values,
    which was often null).

  • @GenerateInjector(...) now correctly solves duplicate tokens by having
    the last, not first, provider win. This aligns the semantics with how
    the other injector implementations work. For MultiToken, the order stays
    the same.

  • Clarified that{...}) doesn't support null as values.

  • Named arguments are now supported for function calls in templates where the
    function is an exported symbol (Component(exports: [someFunction])).

  • #1625: Named arguments in function calls in templates that collide with
    an exported symbol (Component(exports: [someExport])) no longer cause a
    parsing error.

  • Whitespace in internationalized message descriptions and meanings is now
    normalized so they're no longer affected by formatting changes. Identical
    messages with meanings that are formatted differently will now properly be
    treated as the same message.

  • #1633: Using a function type or any non-class Type inside of the
    @GenerateInjector([...]) annotation would cause a non-ideal error to be
    produced. It now includes more information where available.

Other improvements

  • Error messages for misconfigured pipes now display their source location.

  • Assertion added for ensuring different SanitizationServices aren't used when
    calling runApp multiple times. SanitizationService is a static resource so
    different instances would not work as expected.

  • AppViewUtils.resetChangeDetection() is now deprecated and will be removed
    in the next major release.



New Features

  • PatternValidator now has a pattern input. This allows the pattern
    property to be set dynamically. Previously, this could only be specified
    statically at compile time.



New Features

  • Supported beforeComponentCreated(Injector) when creating fixture to allow
    using injector to set up prerequisite data for testing from DI.

    This is useful when an object (that is already injected to the ...

Read more


07 Aug 00:36
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Welcome to AngularDart v5.0.0, with full support for Dart 2. Please note that
this release is not compatible with older versions of Dart 1.XX. Additionally:

  • Dartium is no longer supported. Instead, use the new
  • Pub transformers are no longer used. Instead, use the new
    webdev CLI, or, for advanced
    users, the build_runner

More details of
changes to Dart 2 for web users are
available on our webiste.

Thanks, and enjoy AngularDart!

Dependency Injection

Dependency injection was enhanced greatly for 5.0.0, primarily around using
proper types (for Dart 2), and paths to enable much smaller code size (for

New features

  • Provider (and provide) are soft deprecated, and in their place are
    four new classes with more precise type signatures. Additionally, Provider
    now supports an optional type argument <T>, making it Provider<T>.

    • ValueProvider(Type, T) and ValueProvider.forToken(OpaqueToken<T>, T)
      instead of Provider(typeOrToken, useValue: ...).

    • FactoryProvider(Type, T) and FactoryProvider.forToken(OpaqueToken<T>, T) instead of Provider(typeOrToken, useFactory: ...).

    • ClassProvider(Type, useClass: T) and
      ClassProvider.forToken(OpaqueToken<T>, useClass: T) instead of
      Provider(typeOrToken, useClass: ...) or an implicit Type.

    • ExistingProvider(Type, T) and
      ExistingProvider.forToken(OpaqueToken<T>, T) instead of
      Provider(typeOrToken, useExisting: ...).

  • OpaqueToken is now much more useful. Previously, it could be used to
    define a custom, non-Type to refer to something to be injected; commonly
    instead of types like String. For example, you might use an OpaqueToken
    to refer to the a URL to download a file from:

    const downloadUrl = OpaqueToken('downloadUrl');
      providers: [
        Provider(downloadUrl, useValue: ''),
    class Example {
      Example(@Inject(downloadUrl) String url) {
        // url == ''

    First, OpaqueToken adds an optional type argument, making
    OpaqueToken<T>. The type argument, T, should be used to refer to the
    Type of the object this token should be bound to:

    const downloadUrl = OpaqueToken<String>('downloadUrl');

    Coupled with the new named Provider classes and their .forToken named
    constructor (see below), you now also have a way to specify the type of
    providers using type inference:

      providers: [
        // This is now a Provider<String>.
        ValueProvider.forToken(downloadUrl, ''),

    Second, MultiToken<T> has been added, and it extends
    OpaqueToken<List<T>>. This is an idiomatic replacement for the now
    deprecated multi: true argument to the Provider constructor:

    const usPresidents = MultiToken<String>('usPresidents');
      providers: [
        ValueProvider.forToken(usPresidents, 'George'),
        ValueProvider.forToken(usPresidents, 'Abe'),
    class Example {
      Example(@Inject(usPresidents) List<String> names) {
        // names == ['George', 'Abe']

    Third, we heard feedback that the String-based name of tokens was
    insufficient for larger teams because the names could collide. Imagine 2
    different tokens being registered with a name of 'importantThing'! It is
    now possible (but optional) to extend either OpaqueToken or MultiToken
    to create scoped custom token names:

    class DownloadUrl extends OpaqueToken<String> {
      const DownloadUrl();
    class UsPresidents extends MultiToken<String> {
      const UsPresidents();
    class Example {
      providers: const [
        ValueProvider.forToken(DownloadUrl(), ''),
        ValueProvider.forToken(UsPresidents(), 'George'),
        ValueProvider.forToken(UsPresidents(), 'Abe'),

    Fourth, and finally, we'd like to repurpose @Inject in the future, and let
    you write less to inject tokens. So, OpaqueToken and MultiToken
    instances may now be used directly as annotations:

    class Example {
      Example(@DownloadUrl() String url, @UsPresidents() List<String> names) {
        // url == ''
        // names == ['George', 'Abe']
  • InjectorFactory, a function type definition of Injector Function([Injector parent]), was added and started to be used across the
    framework. It normally indicates the ability to create a new Injector
    instance with an optional parent.

  • A new annotation, @GenerateInjector, was added. It is now posibble to
    generate, at compile-time, a standalone InjectorFactory method for
    providers, without explicitly wrapping in an @Component:

    // example.dart
    import 'example.template.dart' as ng;
    final InjectorFactory rootInjector = ng.rootInjector$Injector;
  • Module has been added as a new, more-typed way to encapsulate a collection
    of Provider instances. This is an optional feature to use instead of
    nested const lists to represent shared providers. For example:

    const httpModule = [ /* Other providers and/or modules. */ ];
    const commonModule = [
      ClassProvider(AuthService, useClass: OAuthService),
      FactoryProvider.forToken(xsrfToken, useFactory: readXsrfToken),

    ... you can represent this with the new typed Module syntax:

    const httpModule = Module( /* ... Configuration ... */);
    const commonModule = Module(
      include: [httpModule],
      provide: [
        ClassProvider(AuthService, useClass: OAuthService),
        FactoryProvider.forToken(xsrfToken, useFactory: readXsrfToken),

    The advantages here are numerous:

    • Less ambiguity around ordering of providers. Engineers would tend to try
      and sort providers alphabetically, would of course, would lead to
      problems. Module specifically outlines that order is significant,
      and that include is processed before provide.

    • Module rejects using a Type implicitly as a ClassProvider. This
      removes additional ambiguity around supporting List<dynamic>, and
      while more verbose, should lead to more correct use.

    • Module tends to be more understandable by users of other dependency
      injection systems such as Guice or Dagger, and reads better than a
      const List (which is a very Dart-only idiom).

    NOTE: It is also possible to use Module in @GenerateInjector:

    final InjectorFactory exampleFromModule = ng.exampleFromModule$Injector;

    NOTE: It is also possible to use Module in ReflectiveInjector:

    // Using ReflectiveInjector is strongly not recommended for new code
    // due to adverse effects on code-size and runtime performance.
    final injector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([

Breaking changes

  • OpaqueToken no longer overrides operator== or hashCode. In practice
    this should have no effect for most programs, but it does mean that
    effectively that only const instances of OpaqueToken (or MultiToken)
    are valid.

  • It is no longer valid to provide a token type of anything other than Type
    or an OpaqueToken (or MultiToken). In the past anything from aribtrary
    literals (such as a string - 'iAmAToken') or a custom const instance of
    a class were supported.

  • For defining whether a component or directive should provide itself for
    injection, Visibility.none has been renamed Visibility.local to make it
    more clear that it is accessable locally (within providers for example).

  • Classes annotated with @Component or @Directive are no longer treated
    like services annotated with @Injectable, and not accessible (by default)
    to ReflectiveInjector. @Injectable can always be added to these classes
    in order to return to the old behavior.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where calling get on an Injector injected in the context of
    an @Component or @Directive-annotated class and passing a second
    argument always returned null (instead of that second argument) if the
    token was not found.

  • Setting @Component(visibility: Visibility.none) no longer applies to
    providers, if any. Note that Visibility.none was always renamed
    Visibility.local in breaking changes above.

  • Fixed a bug where Provider(SomeType) was not parsed correctly as an
    implicit use of Provider(SomeType, useClass: SomeType).

  • Fixed a bug where <ReflectiveInjector>.get(X) would throw with a message
    of no provider found for X, even when the acutal cause was a missing
    downstream dependency Y. We now emit the correct message.

Other improvements

  • Some injection failures will display the chain of dependencies that were
Read more


02 Aug 00:40
Choose a tag to compare



Other improvements

  • Removed dependency on package:tuple.



Bug fixes

  • HashLocationStrategy no longer drops query parameters (before the #) when
    pushing or replacing an empty URL.



  • Maintenance release to bring into sync with angular 5.0.0-beta+3.



  • Deleted an unnecessary hostElement.append(componentRef.location).

  • Supported FutureOr<void> for beforeChangeDetection.



  • Added TypedElement to represent a statically parsed Typed.
  • TypedReader.parse() now returns a TypedElement.



  • Maintenance release for -dev.68.


19 Jul 17:35
Choose a tag to compare

We accidentally missed 5.0.0-beta+1, but it was available on pub.



New features

  • Added support for named arguments in function calls in templates:

    <span>Hello {{getName(includeExclamationPoint: true)}}</span>

NOTE: Because of the collision of syntax for both named arguments and
pipes, any pipes used as the value of a named argument need to be wrapped
in parentheses: func(namedArg: (pipeName | pipeVar:pipeVarValue)).

Bug fixes

  • Changed the behavior of warnings around @ViewChildren(...). It was more
    difficult than originally thought to warn on incorrect selector usage due to
    the semantics of components and dependency injection. In many cases false
    positives were flagged. Now, any unknown type is just ignored (it may still
    be invalid), and any invalid value throws a build error. For example:

    class A {
      // Might not be valid, but we no longer warn.
      List<SomeArbitraryType> someTypes;
      // We throw a build error.
      List thisDoesNotWork;
  • Implicit static tear-offs and field invocations are now supported:

      selector: 'example',
      template: '''
        <!-- Invoking an implicit static field. -->
        <!-- Binding an implicit static tear-off. -->
        <div [invoke]="tearOff"></div>
    class ExampleComponent {
      static String Function() field = () => 'Hello world';
      static String tearOff() => 'Hello world';


New features

  • A warning is produced if the compiler removes any elements
    (such as <script>) from your template. This may become an error in future
    versions of AngularDart. Closes #1280.

  • A warning is produced if the selector provided to a query (such as
    @ViewChildren(...)) is invalid and will not produce any elements at
    runtime. This may become an error in future versions of AngularDart.
    Closes #1220.

  • It is now possible to annotate parts of a template with
    @preserveWhitespace instead of opting into preserving whitespace for the
    entire template. Closes #1295:

      <div class="whitespace-sensitive" @preserveWhitespace>
  • Added package:angular/meta.dart, a series of utilities for additional
    static analysis checks and/or functions to retain semantics for migration
    purposes, starting with castCallback1ForDirective and
    castCallback2ForDirective. These methods are only intended to be used
    as stop-gaps for the lack of generic support in AngularDart directives and
    components. Closes #1489.

Bug fixes

  • Fails the build immediately if an element in a component's pipes list is

  • Support inherited method tear-offs in event listeners. Previously, we only
    considered methods in the Component class itself. Closes #506.

  • Fixed a bug where [] did not work on a static @HostBinding.
    Closes #1484.

Other improvements

  • Fixed a bug where many queries (@ViewChildren() and the like) generated
    additional runtime casts in production mode. Now in Dart2JS with
    --omit-implicit-checks the casts are removed.

  • Emits more optimized code when there are multiple data bindings in a row
    that are checked only once (such as final strings). Previously we
    generated redundant code.

  • Fixed an optimization issue when @ViewChild() or @ContentChild() was
    used on a nested element (i.e. inside a <template>). The code that was
    produced accidentally created two queries instead of one.
    Closes #1455.



  • Add CloseElementAst complement into ContainerAst.
  • Added support for annotations on <template>.
  • The whitespace transformer now understands @preserveWhitespace.



  • Added $Typed, a TypeChecker for Typed.
  • Added TypeReader for parsing generic directive types.


  • Maintenance release.
  • The minimum SDK version is now sdk: ">=2.0.0-dev.64.2 <2.0.0".



New Features

  • Add AbstractControlGroup and AbstractNgForm to allow infrastructure to
    create their own form systems that can be backed by types such as a proto,
    or have different control group logic.

Breaking Changes

  • Use value from AbstractControl for valueChanges event instead of internal
    variable. Allows code to more easily subclass AbstractControl.


  • Maintenance release; declare official support for the Dart2 SDK.



New features

  • RouteDefinition.redirect now supports forwarding route parameters.


  • Maintenance release; declare official support for the Dart2 SDK.



  • Maintenence release: Stop using SCREAMING_CAPS consts from dart:*.


  • Maintenance release; declare official support for the Dart2 SDK.