rails.vim for Emacs. Based on:
Ex Command | Projectile-Rails Command | Description |
:Rmodel | projectile-rails-find-model | Find a model using projectile-completion-system . |
:RCmodel | projectile-rails-find-current-model | Go to a model connected with the current resource. |
:Rcontroller | projectile-rails-find-controller | Find a controller using projectile-completion-system . |
:RCcontroller | projectile-rails-find-current-controller | Go to a controller connected with the current resource. |
:Rview | projectile-rails-find-view | Find a template or partial using projectile-completion-system . |
:RCview | projectile-rails-find-current-view | Go to a view connected with the current resource. |
:Rhelper | projectile-rails-find-helper | Find a helper using projectile-completion-system . |
:RChelper | projectile-rails-find-current-helper | Go to a helper connected with the current resource. |
:Rlib | projectile-rails-find-lib | Find a lib using projectile-completion-system . |
:Rfeature | projectile-rails-find-feature | Find a feature using projectile-completion-system . |
:Rspec | projectile-rails-find-spec | Find a spec using projectile-completion-system . |
:RCspec | projectile-rails-find-current-spec | Go to a spec connected with the current resource. |
:Rtest | projectile-rails-find-test | Find a test using projectile-completion-system . |
:RCtest | projectile-rails-find-current-test | Go to a test connected with the current resource. |
:Rmigration | projectile-rails-find-migration | Find a migration using projectile-completion-system . |
:RCmigration | projectile-rails-find-current-migration | Go to a migration connected with the current resource. |
:Rfixture | projectile-rails-find-fixture | Find a fixture using projectile-completion-system . |
:RCfixture | projectile-rails-find-current-fixture | Go to a fixture connected with the current resource. |
:Rjavascript | projectile-rails-find-javascript | Find a javascript using projectile-completion-system . |
:Rstylesheet | projectile-rails-find-stylesheet | Find a stylesheet using projectile-completion-system . |
:Rlog | projectile-rails-find-log | Find a log file and enable auto-revert-tail-mode in its buffer. |
:Rinitializer | projectile-rails-find-initializer | Find an initializer file using projectile-completions-system . |
:Renv | projectile-rails-find-environment | Find an environment file using projectile-completions-system . |
:Rlocale | projectile-rails-find-locale | Find a locale file using projectile-completions-system . |
:Rmailer | projectile-rails-find-mailer | Find a mailer file using projectile-completions-system . |
:Rlayout | projectile-rails-find-layout | Find a layout file using projectile-completions-system . |
:Rconsole | projectile-rails-console | Run rails console command in inf-ruby buffer. |
:Rserver | projectile-rails-server | Run rails server . |
:Rrake | projectile-rails-rake | Select a rake task to run using projectile-completion-system . |
:Rgenerate | projectile-rails-generate | Run rails generate command. |
:Rextract | projectile-rails-extract-region | Extract the selected region to a partial. |
:RGfile | projectile-rails-goto-file-at-point | Go to a file at point. Depending on the context that might be a constant, template or partial, or a gem. |
:RGgemfile | projectile-rails-goto-gemfile | Go to Gemfile file. |
:RGroutes | projectile-rails-goto-routes | Go to config/routes.rb file. |
:RGschema | projectile-rails-goto-schema | Go to db/schema.rb file. |
:RGspechelper | projectile-rails-goto-spec-helper | Go to spec/spec_helper.rb file. |
Ex Command | Projectile Command | Description |
:A | projectile-toggle-between-implementation-and-test | Find a model using projectile-completion-system . |
:AV | projectile-toggle-between-implementation-and-test | Vertical-split variant of :A . |
:AS | projectile-toggle-between-implementation-and-test | Horizontal-split variant of :A . |
- Auto completion for commands