Dockerized application for Employee Search
- Clone the repo
- Build using the following command : gradlew build
- Start the application using following command : docker compose up
- Alternatively, you can start the application in standalone mode using "java -jar build/libs/esearch-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"
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REST calls Supported :
Fetch user details : GET : http://localhost:8080/5
Update Parent details for a node : POST : http://localhost:8080/5?newParent=1
GET : http://localhost:8080/4 {"data":"4", "height":2, "parent":{"data":"2","height":1,"parent":{"data":"1","height":0,"parent":null,"rootNode":null}, "rootNode":{"data":"1","height":0,"parent":null,"rootNode":null}},"rootNode":{"data":"1","height":0,"parent":null,"rootNode":null}}