59 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
- improve dependency declarations (#176) @elharo
- update links (#175) @elharo
- use more modern I/O that does not rely on the system encoding (#174) @elharo
- http --> https (#177) @elharo
- grammar nits (#178) @elharo
- Prefer more modern try with resources over IOUtil.close (#179) @elharo
- Mrelease 1116 (#173) @michael-o
- [MRELEASE-1115] - Upgrade Parent to 39 (#172) @michael-o
- [MRELEASE-1078] - Support version policy to read and use SCM tags and commits (#104) @nielsbasjes
- [MRELEASE-431] - add user documentation for version policies (#169) @hboutemy
- MRELEASE-1072 reuse original tag for next development version in case (#86) @kwin
- [MRELEASE-1108] - Upgrade Maven SCM to 2.0.0-M3 (#157) @michael-o
- [MRELEASE-1094] - Clean up dependencies (#144) @michael-o
- [MRELEASE-1099] - allow using a shallow clone during release:perform (#139) @BigMichi1
- [MRELEASE-1100] - Upgrade Maven SCM to 2.0.0-M2 (#143) @michael-o
🐛 Bug Fixes
- [MRELEASE-1104] - fix stage goal when having both arguments and stagingRepository (#151) @olamy
📦 Dependency updates
- Bump mrm-maven-plugin from 1.4.1 to 1.5.0 (#171) @dependabot
- Bump apache/maven-gh-actions-shared from 2 to 3 (#167) @dependabot
- Bump mrm-maven-plugin from 1.3.0 to 1.4.1 (#142) @dependabot