#Davia.com Interview Test
Please create a inventory importer that will take a csv file of products and create/update the items as necessary. Access to do the update needs to occur through both a admin web interface and a rake task.
- The admin web interface need not be styled or look good (just functional).
- For simplicty's sake don't upload images or worry about them as part of the uploader.
The items csv can be found in the /db directory of the rails app.
When dealing with ambiguity make your best guess at what an e-commerce site would need and execute according to your insights. The job requires you to be more than just a simple coder but an intellectual that can problem solve and own his/her features.
There are a number of issues that occur with product importers including:
- Duplication control
- User errors (blank fields, prices that have typos, copy paste errors)
- preflighting (running the importer in a 'test' mode) is a common way to solve many issues.
Treat this project as a real production project complete with :
- tests you normally write
- appropriate git comments and commits
- documentation when code is rather tricky (don't over document though)
- dependability in product (no excuses for why something doesn't work)
- general good understandable code
The faster you can do it without sacrificing anything in code quality is a bonus!
The maxium amount of time is 1 hour longer than our fastest developers time doing this project or 6 hours. Good luck!
We use 2 spaces (as spaces) for our tabs.
We use heroku as our provider and will ask that you deploy to heroku as well.
Please create a free account on heroku and deploy there using a free system. See this link on how to setup a RoR app on heroku in 5 minutes (http://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/quickstart)
When you are finished send a email to jobs@davia.com with the url where we can test the web interface and another url to your fork with your code updates so we can review your code.
If you have any questions you can't solve on your own or general questions about the project you can also use jobs@davia.com to get a quick answer.