Rainmeter Timetable
automatically displays your timetable from your school's website (currently only supports Bromcom and Satchel One) on your desktop! ๐
Make life easy! ๐ช
If this helps you, please โญ the repository & follow me :D
You must have Rainmeter installed.
- Click on the latest release (under the 'About' section).
- Download the .rmskin file.
- Open the file and install the skin.
- If the skin hasn't loaded automatically:
- Right-click on the Rainmeter icon in the system tray ("^" near bottom-right of the taskbar)
- Click on Skins > Rainmeter Timetable > Timetable.ini
Just follow the installation instructions above.
- On the skin, click on the Settings (โ๏ธ) button (or load Settings.ini) to go to the settings.
- Bromcom:
- Go to the Bromcom Log In page.
- Copy the details you would type here into the settings.
- Satchel One:
- You need to enter your school (as written in Satchel One), username or email and password:
- To find out your exact school name:
- Go to the Satchel One Log In page.
- Start typing your school name and once it auto-completes to the correct school, copy it.
- To find out your username/email and password:
- Go to Account Settings in Satchel One.
- You can see your username and email in the "My details" section at the top.
- If you haven't set your password or forgotten your password, create a new password in the "Change your password" section.
- To find out your exact school name:
- You need to enter your school (as written in Satchel One), username or email and password:
- After saving your settings, click on the Return button (at the top-right) to go back to the main menu.
- Click on the Refresh button (๐) to show today's timetable.
Image controls:
- To zoom in and out, use the scroll wheel.
- To move around the image, hold down the middle mouse button and drag.
Toolbar (from left to right):
- Title: To change the title, click on it, type the desired text and press Enter to save (or press Esc to dismiss).
- Previous week button: Shows the previous week's timetable.
- Date: Displays the date of the timetable.
- Next week button: Shows the next week's timetable.
- Settings button: Shows the settings.
- Refresh button: Shows the current week's timetable.
- Fit window button: Zooms out the timetable as much as possible to fit the size of the window.
- Toggle theme button: Switches between light and dark theme.
This project is not associated with Bromcom or Satchel One.
If you have any problems with this project, please send me an email at aritra8.codes@gmail.com.