Easy Trivia is a small, simple and fast wrapper for Open Trivia Database - A Free to use, user-contributed trivia question database. Built with TypeScript, works with VanillaJS.
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View the list of changes in Easy Trivia 2.1.6:
Ensure you are using Node version 14 or higher and that your enviroment contains the https
npm i easy-trivia
The following examples make use of the Async/Await syntax. Ensure you are inside an async function, otherwise use promise callbacks.
You can provide QuestionOptions
to describe the type of questions you want to recieve.
import { Category, getQuestions } from 'easy-trivia';
const questions = await getQuestions({
amount: 50, // 1 - 50
difficulty: 'easy', // or 'medium' or 'hard'
type: 'multiple', // or 'boolean (true/false)
category: Category.allNames.SCIENCE_COMPUTERS
Click to view
value: 'What is the code name for the mobile operating system Android 7.0?',
category: 'Science: Computers',
type: 'multiple',
difficulty: 'easy',
correctAnswer: 'Nougat',
incorrectAnswers: [ 'Ice Cream Sandwich', 'Jelly Bean', 'Marshmallow' ],
allAnswers: [ 'Nougat', 'Jelly Bean', 'Marshmallow', 'Ice Cream Sandwich' ],
checkAnswer: [Function: checkAnswer]
You can generate a category class by providing a CategoryResolvable which includes a category's name or id. An instance of Category will allow you to fetch category data and questions relating to the provided resolvable.
let myCategory = new Category(9);
myCategory = new Category('GENERAL_KNOWLEDGE');
myCategory = new Category(Category.allNames.GENERAL_KNOWLEDGE);
const data = await myCategory.getData();
Click to view
id: 9,
name: 'General Knowledge',
questionCounts: {
total: 298,
forEasy: 116,
forMedium: 123,
forHard: 59
const questions = await myCategory.fetchQuestions({
amount: 1,
difficulty: 'hard'
// Same outputs as getQuestions()
You can always get information relating to a category by simply passing a resolvable into getQuestions()
and getCategoryData()
category: 9
// Same as myCategory.fetchQuestions() and .getData()
A session ensures you do not get duplicate questions.
import { Categories, Session, getQuestions } from 'easy-trivia';
const session = new Session();
await session.start();
const batch1 = await getQuestions({
amount: 10,
category: Category.random(),
difficulty: 'hard',
const batch2 = await getQuestions({
amount: 10,
category: Category.random(),
difficulty: 'hard',
const completeBatch = [...batch1, ...batch2]; // All unique!
Note: In respect to the API, it is recommended you generate and save 1 session token for use when testing.
Documentation has been moved to a GitHub Wiki page:
Any tip is greatly appreciated 😀 https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/alejandromuratalla