Deploy Helm Charts from Concourse.
Heavily based on the work of linkyard/concourse-helm-resource
- Version 1.25.0 expects
in base64 format in a new parameter calledcluster_ca_base64
can still be used if a plain certificate is passed. - Version 1.21.0 to 1.24.2 seems to be broken for certain uses cases. See Issue#83
- Version 1.21.0 to 1.24.2 seems to be missing helm diff plugin due to the use of HELM_PLUGINS environment variable
- HELM_PLUGINS was used as a build arg to store plugins list, which made the plugins be installed in a weird place. Since this was a build arg only, installing the plugin again at run time worked.
- Feel free to add to this list
- Most of those have been fixed with v1.25.0 available in GHCR only
You can pull the resource image from typositoire/concourse-helm3-resource
Starting with version 1.25.0, can you can no longer pull this resource from Docker Hub.
Starting with version 1.19.1, you can pull the resource from GitHub
. Docker hub will eventually stop receiving new images.
- name: helm
type: docker-image
: Optional. URL to Kubernetes Master API service. Do not set when using thekubeconfig_path
parameter, otherwise required.cluster_ca
: Optional. Cluster CA certificate PEM. (Required ifinsecure_cluster
== false)cluster_ca_base64
: Optional. Cluster CA certificate PEM Base64 encoded. (Required ifinsecure_cluster
== false)insecure_cluster
: Optional. Skip TLS verification for cluster API. (Required ifcluster_ca
is nil)token
: Optional. Bearer token for Kubernetes. This,token_path
are required ifcluster_url
is https.token_path
: Optional. Path to file containing the bearer token for Kubernetes. This, 'token' oradmin_key
are required ifcluster_url
is https.tls_server_name
: Optional. Server name to use for server certificate validation. If it is not provided, the hostname used to contact the server is used.admin_key
: Optional. Base64 encoded PEM. Required ifcluster_url
is https and notoken
or 'token_path' is provided.admin_cert
: Optional. Base64 encoded PEM. Required ifcluster_url
is https and notoken
or 'token_path' is provided.release
: Optional. Name of the release (not a file, a string). (Default: autogenerated by helm)namespace
: Optional. Kubernetes namespace the chart will be installed into. (Default: default)helm_history_max
: Optional. Limits the maximum number of revisions. Use 0 for no limit. (Default: 10)repos
: Optional. Array of Helm repositories to initialize, each repository is defined as an object with propertiesname
(required) username and password (optional).plugins
: Optional. Array of Helm plugins to install, each defined as an object with propertiesurl
: Optional A"false"
(must be "string" not boolean) value will disable using a default Helm stable repo. Any other value will be used to Override default Helm stable repo URL Useful if running helm deploys without internet access.tracing_enabled
: Optional. Enable extremely verbose tracing for this resource. Useful when developing the resource itself. May allow secrets to be displayed. (Default: false)helm_setup_purge_all
: Optional. Uninstalls and purge every helm release. Use with extreme caution. (Default: false)env_vars
: Optional. A key/value pair of environment variables that will be set before running the helm command. This is useful for using different Helm storage options.
: Optional. Set to true to use gcloud service account file for kubernetes cluster authentication. -
: Optional Mandatory ifgcloud_cluster_auth
is set to true andgcloud_workload_identity_enabled
is set tofalse
. Pass gcloud service account json contents as value or a file path containing service_account json. -
: Optional Mandatory ifgcloud_cluster_auth
is set to true andgcloud_service_account_key_file
is not set. Workload identity must be enabled on the cluster. (Default:false
) -
: Optional Mandatory ifgcloud_cluster_auth
is set to true. Pass gcloud project name where cluster is installed. -
: Optional Mandatory ifgcloud_cluster_auth
is set to true. Pass gcloud cluster name. -
: Optional Mandatory ifgcloud_cluster_auth
is set to true. Pass gcloud kubernetes cluster zone.
Optional. ClusterID on digitalocean to fetch kubeconfig.digitalocean.access_token
Optionl. Read Access Token to fetch kubeconfig.
Optional. Region of the EKS clusteraws.cluster_name
Optionl. Name of the EKS clusteraws.profile
Optional. Name of the AWS profile to store/use credentials, defaults todefault
. Only used for non-role based authenticationaws.role.arn
Optional. ARN of the role to be used for EKS authenticationaws.role.session_name
Optional. Session name of the assume-role sessionaws.user.access_key_id
Optional. Access key id of the user credential used for EKS authenticationaws.user.secret_access_key
Optional. Secret access key of the user credential used for EKS authenticationaws.user.role_arn
Optional. If this is provided, we will use the user credentials to assume into the role
Deploy an helm chart
: Optional. Region of ECRhelm
: Optional. AWS account id of ECRhelm
Optional. Name of the AWS profile to store/use credentials, defaults todefault
. Only used for non-role based authentication.private_registry.ecr.role.arn
: Optional. AWS IAM role ARN to be used to authenticate with ECRhelm
: Optional. AWS assume role session name for authenticating with ECRhelm
Optional. Access key id of the user credential used for ECRhelm
registry authenticationprivate_registry.ecr.user.secret_access_key
Optional. Secret access key of the user credential used for ECRhelm
registry authenticationchart
: Required. Either the file containing the helm chart to deploy (ends with .tgz), the path to a local directory containing the chart or the name of the chart from a repo (e.g.stable/mysql
: Optional. Either a file containing the name of the namespace or the name of the namespace. (Default: taken from source configuration).create_namespace
: Optional. Create the namespace if it doesn't exist (Default: false).release
: Optional. Either a file containing the name of the release or the name of the release. (Default: taken from source configuration).values
: Optional. File containing the values.yaml for the deployment. Supports setting multiple value files using an array.override_values
: Optional. Array of values that can override those defined in values.yaml. Each entry in the array is a map containing a key and a value or path. Value is set directly while path reads the contents of the file in that path. Ahide: true
parameter ensures that the value is not logged and instead replaced with***HIDDEN***
. Atype: string
parameter makes sure Helm always treats the value as a string (uses the--set-string
option to Helm; useful if the value varies and may look like a number, eg. if it's a Git commit hash). Atype: file
parameter makes Helm treats thepath
as file (uses the--set-file
option to Helm). Averbatim: true
parameter escapes backslashes so the value is passed as-is to the Helm chart (useful for((credentials))
). The default behaviour of backslashes in--set
is to quote the next character soval\ue
is treated asvalue
by Helm.token_path
: Optional. Path to file containing the bearer token for Kubernetes. This, 'token' oradmin_key
are required ifcluster_url
is https.version
: Optional Chart version to deploy, can be a file or a value. Only applies ifchart
is not a file.test
: Optional. Test the release instead of installing it. Requires therelease
. (Default: false)test_logs
: Optional. Display pod logs when runningtest
. (Default: false)uninstall
: Optional. Uninstalls the release instead of installing it. Requires therelease
. (Default: false)delete_namespace
: Optional. Deletes the namespace after uninstall. Requiresuninstall
set to true andnamespace
. (Default: false)replace
: Optional. Replace uninstall release with same name. (Default: false)force
: Optional. Force resource update through uninstall/recreate if needed. (Default: false)devel
: Optional. Allow development versions of chart to be installed. This is useful when wanting to install pre-release charts (i.e. 1.0.2-rc1) without having to specify a version. (Default: false)debug
: Optional. Dry run the helm install with the debug flag which logs interpolated chart templates. (Default: false)check_is_ready
: Optional. Requires thatwait
is set to Default. Applies --wait without timeout. (Default: false)wait_for_jobs
: Optional. Requires thatwait
is set to Default. Applies --wait and --wait-for-jobs without timeout. (Default: false)atomic
: Optional. This flag will cause failed installs to purge the release, and failed upgrades to rollback to the previous release. (Default: false)reuse_values
: Optional. When upgrading, reuse the last release's values. (Default: false)reset_values
: Optional. When upgrading, reset the values to the ones built into the chart. (Default: false)timeout
: Optional. This flag sets the max time to wait for any individual Kubernetes operation. (Default: 5m0s)wait
: Optional. Allows deploy task to sleep for X seconds before continuing to next task. Allows pods to restart and become stable, useful where dependency between pods exists. (Default: 0)kubeconfig
: Optional. String containing a kubeconfig. Overrideskubeconfig_path
and source configuration for cluster, token, and admin config.kubeconfig_path
: Optional. File containing a kubeconfig. Overrides source configuration for cluster, token, and admin config.show_diff
: Optional. Show the diff that is applied if upgrading an existing successful release. (Default: false)diff_opts
: Optional. Additional options to be appended tohelm diff
command. (Default: "")skip_missing_values:
Optional. Missing values files are skipped if they are specified in the values but do not exist.(Default false)
Define the resource:
- name: myapp-helm
type: helm
cluster_url: https://kube-master.domain.example
cluster_ca: _base64 encoded CA pem_
admin_key: _base64 encoded key pem_
admin_cert: _base64 encoded certificate pem_
- name: some_repo
HELM_DRIVER_SQL_CONNECTION_STRING: postgresql://helm-postgres:5432/helm?user=helm&password=changeme
- name: myapp-helm
type: helm
access_token: XXXXXXXXXXX
- name: some_repo
Google cloud
- name: myapp-helm
type: helm
gcloud_cluster_auth: true
gcloud_service_account_key_file: _plain service account json file_ or _path to json file
gcloud_project_name: _project name_
gcloud_k8s_cluster_name: _k8s cluster name_
gcloud_k8s_zone: _k8s zone_
- name: some_repo
Amazon EKS using IAM role
- name: myapp-helm
type: helm
region: aws-region
cluster_name: eks-cluster-name
arn: arn:aws:iam::<aws_account_id>:role/<my_eks_role>
session_name: EKSAssumeRoleSession
Amazon EKS using user
- name: myapp-helm
type: helm
region: aws-region
cluster_name: eks-cluster-name
profile: eks_user
access_key_id: <access_key_id>
secret_access_key: <secret_access_key>
Add to job:
# ...
- put: myapp-helm
chart: source-repo/chart-0.0.1.tgz
values: source-repo/values.yaml
- key: replicas
value: 2
- key: version
path: version/number # Read value from version/number
- key: secret
value: ((my-top-secret-value)) # Pulled from a credentials backend like Vault
hide: true # Hides value in output
- key: image.tag
path: version/image_tag # Read value from version/number
type: string # Make sure it's interpreted as a string by Helm (not a number)
- key: configuration
path: configuration/production.yaml # add path to --set-file helm option
type: file # use --set-file helm option ( --set-file configuration=configuration/production.yaml )
# ...
Deploying charts from ECR private helm
registry using IAM role auth
# ...
- put: myapp-helm
region: us-west-2
account_id: "01234567890"
arn: "arn:aws:iam::09876543210:role/ecr_read_only"
# region and account_id of the OCI url need to match the configuration in private_registry.ecr
chart: oci://
version: 1.2.3-myapp-helm-version
namespace: myapp
# limitation: concourse uses EKS deploy role, which does not have permission to create namespace on EKS.
# for services, namespaces need to be created by service-lifecycle
# for addons, namespeces are created by terraform from infra repo
create_namespace: false
release: myapp
values: source-repo/values.yaml
- key: image.tag
value: oldest
# ...
Deploying charts from ECR private helm
registry using user auth
# ...
- put: myapp-helm
region: us-west-2
account_id: "01234567890"
profile: ecr_user
access_key_id: <access_key_id>
secret_access_key: <secret_access_key>
# region and account_id of the OCI url need to match the configuration in private_registry.ecr
chart: oci://
# ...
If helm
chart contains lookup
- name: myapp-helm
type: helm
# ...
- put: myapp-helm
chart: ...
show_diff: true
diff_opts: "--dry-run=server"
# ...
# ...