#License BetterBatteryStats is an open source project unter the terms of the Apache 2.0 License. The license does not apply to the use of the names "BetterBatteryStats" and "Better Battery Stats", nor to the icon / artwork created for BetterBatteryStats.
In order to build (with gradle / Android Studio) following changes to the local project are required
The environment variable HOCKEYAPP_APP_ID
must be set to a valid value
The signing config uses environment variables:
signingConfigs {
release {
storeFile file(System.getenv("KEYSTORE_RELEASE"))
storePassword System.getenv("KEYSTORE_PASSWORD")
keyAlias System.getenv("KEY_ALIAS")
keyPassword System.getenv("KEY_PASSWORD")
debug {
storeFile file(System.getenv("KEYSTORE_DEBUG"))
points to the release.keystore
points to the debug.keystore
defines the alias nameKEY_PASSWORD
is the keystore password
The continuous integration (in this example CircleCI) needs to have access to some private settings.
The encrypted file (sa-google-play.json-cipher
) is located in /app
, and referenced by the gradle build.
See also https://github.com/Triple-T/gradle-play-publisher.
In circle.yml
we define that all the google play publishing (to beta) is triggered on tag release-*
openssl enc -in infile -out infile-cipher -e -aes256 -k $KEY
See also https://github.com/circleci/encrypted-files
openssl enc -in encrypted-cipher -out encrypted -d -aes256 -k $KEY
The environment variables $KEYSTORE_RELEASE
must be set.
There variables are set in secret-env-plain
(not part of the project for obvious reasons).
In order to run your own build create a file secret-env-plain
and set the variables:
export KEYSTORE_PASSWORD=<your-keystore-pwd>
export KEY_PASSWORD=<your-key-pwd>
export KEY_ALIAS=<your-key-alias>
export KEYSTORE_DEBUG=<name-of-debug-keystore>
export KEYSTORE_RELEASE=<name-of-release-keystore>
and then encrypt this file using openssl aes-256-cbc -e -in secret-env-plain -out secret-env-cipher -k $KEY
In the piepline the decyption is done using the script circleciscripts/decrypt_env_vars.sh
with the $KEY
stored in circle-ci's env vars.
As the signing keys are not in the github repo a script circleciscripts/download_keystore.sh
does the job of downloading and decrypting the keys at build-time.
For that to happen following addition environment variables must be set:
a public URI from where the files can be downloaded using http$KEY
the key to decrypt the keystores (same env var as forgoogle-services.json