This simple Express JS RESTful service performs CRUD operations for a claimant as well as validating a claimant's driving licence (if the person has one).
The project uses MongoDB with the use of Mongoose and makes use of Sinon, Nock and Chai-Http.
The following endpoints are exposed:
Method | Path | Purpose |
GET | /api/claimants | Retrieves all claimants |
GET | /api/claimants/:id | Retrieves a claimant by their ID |
GET | /api/claimants/ref/:refNo | Retrieves a claimant by unique reference |
POST | /api/claimants | Creates a claimant |
PUT | /api/claimants/:id | Updates a claimant using their ID |
DEL | /api/claimants/:id | Deletes a claimant using their ID |
For this project to run you need to install Node. To do so please visit the Node website:
This project also makes use of MongoDB. You can either:
- Download it here:
- Or use the MLab DaaS hosted service:
Once you have checked out the project to a directory of your liking, simply run the following command to download the relevant dependencies:
npm install
In summary here is a list of the dependencies used within this project (for further details please refer to the package.json file.):
For Testing:
- Mocha
- Chai
- Chai-Http
- Sinon
- Dirty-Chai - to allow for expectations to be functions for linting purposes
- ...
For code coverage the nyc module has been integrated.
To run the unit tests simply use the following command:
npm run unit
To run the integration tests simply use the following command:
npm run integration
To run both unit and integration tests:
npm test
Airbnb's Config has been used and to run lint you can use the following command:
npm run lint
NB: Linting has been configured to run as part of the npm test command.