Version 2.0
ASTR code is a high-order finite-difference flow solver for compressible turbulence research.
Required dependencies: Fortran 90, MPI, HDF5
git clone
ASTR 2.0 supports both gnu make and cmake. For the use of gnu make, do: make in the directory containing src folder, and the executable will be found as ./bin/astr
The cmake gives a more complete and safe way of compiling and installing the code. By default ASTR solves equations under non-dimensional form, unless the chemstry is included.
create a case folder, e.g. mkdir test_case sh path_to_the_source/script/ #create a new case
cmake path_to_the_source cmake --build cmake --install ctest -L nondim
The code will be installed in test_case and excutable can be found at test_case/bin/astr
If you want to use the chemstry function, you need first to install cantera. After download and unpack the cantera, you can use the following script to install: python scons/scripts/ build python_package=none FORTRAN= f90_interface=y prefix= boost_inc_dir=
python scons/scripts/ test
python scons/scripts/ install
you may need to make and test ASTR with chemstry with following cmake commands:
cmake -DCHEMISTRY=TRUE -DCANTERA_DIR=path_to_cantera path_to_the_source
cmake --build
cmake --install
ctest -L combustion
Once the excutable is built, a typical simulation can be run as, mpirun -np 8 ./astr run ./datin/input_file