Go library for current & historical exchange rates, forex & crypto currency conversion, fluctuation, and timeseries using the new Free foreign exchange rates API by arzzen (github)
- Currency conversion, historical & current exchange rates, timeseries and fluctuations
- No authentication/token needed!
- Select any base currency
- 171 forex currency and 6000+ cryptocurrency!
- Caching (optional, default) using go-cache
- Easy to use:
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a new Exchange instance and set USD as the base currency for the exchange rates and conversion
ex := exchange.New("USD")
// convert 10 USD to EUR
fmt.Println(ex.ConvertTo("EUR", 10))
// You can convert between 171 fiat and +6000 cryptocurrency aswelL!
// convert 10 USD to BTC
fmt.Println(ex.ConvertTo("BTC", 10))
// convert 10 USD to EUR at 2012-12-12 (date must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD)
fmt.Println(ex.ConvertAt("2012-12-12", "EUR", 10))
// Get the available forex/fiat codes ([]string)
forexCodes, _ := ex.ForexCodes()
// Get the available crypto codes ([]string)
// Warning: +6000
cryptoCodes, _ := ex.CryptoCodes()
// Get the forex codes data, includes code and description.
forexData, _ := ex.ForexData()
// Get the crypto codes data, includes code and description.
// Warning: +6000
cryptoData, _ := ex.CryptoData()
// loop through the forex cpdes
for _, code := range forexCodes {
// print the forex codes data in the format: USD: US Dollar
fmt.Println(code+":", forexData[code]["description"])
// Change the base currency to euro
// Get the latest exchange rates with all currencies (Base is EUR)
// Get the latest rates again, this time it will be loaded from in-memory cache
// Cache last till midnight GMT because it's the time exchangerate.host update the rates
// disable caching
// Get the latest rates with multiple currencies, not all (USD and JPY only)
fmt.Println(ex.LatestRatesMultiple([]string{"USD", "JPY"}))
// Get the exchange rates at 2012-12-12 but only with USD
fmt.Println(ex.HistoricalRatesSingle("2012-12-12", "USD"))
// Get historical rates between 2012 12 10 and 2012 12 12 for JPY and GBP
fmt.Println(ex.TimeseriesMultiple("2012-12-10", "2012-12-12", []string{"USD", "JPY"}))
// Get the fluctuation between 2012 12 10 and 2012 12 12 with USD
fluctuation, _ := ex.FluctuationSingle("2012-12-10", "2012-12-12", "USD")
// Print the change
ConvertTo, ConvertAt, HistoricalRatesSingle, LatestRatesSingle
, error
LatestRatesAll, LatestRatesMultiple, HistoricalRatesAll, HistoricalRatesMultiple:
, error
map[symbol]map[ code description ]string
, error
, error
map[symbol]map[ symbol name ]string
, error
FluctuationAll, FluctuationMultiple,
map[symbol]map[ start_rate end_rate change change_pct ]*big.Float
, error
map[ start_rate end_rate change change_pct ]*big.Float
, error
TimeseriesAll, TimeseriesMultiple
, error
, error
- You can use All, Multiple, Single with all of LatestRates, HistoricalRates, Timeseries and Fluctuation.
- Oldest date for historical rates and conversion is 1999-01-04
- Maximum allowed timeframe for Timeseries is 365 days
This is my first Go library and I had trouble with JSON parsing (and I still do, didn't use bitly/simplejson to reduce dependencies) Theres a lot of room for improvement