Qiime Analysis Automating Script.
This script is written to reduce the effort and time for Qiime analysis. It is designed to work on illumina pair-end reads FASTQ files.
This script is designed to be installed in Qiime virtual machine. To install QIIME, please check this link: http://qiime.org/install/install.html
Install usearch: follow the instructions in this link https://www.drive5.com/usearch/download.html . QIIME works with version 6.1.544 32 bit. Please download it.
- Create bin/ folder in qiime home folder in the virtual machine /home/qiime/bin
- Copy usearch6.1.544_i86linux32 to /home/qiime/bin/usearch/ and rename the file to usearch61
- Make usearch61 executable using this command
$ chmod +x usearch61
- Install BBtools from https://sourceforge.net/projects/bbmap/ or you can run these commands in /home/qiime/bin/ folder:
$ wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/bbmap/files/BBMap_37.66.tar.gz
$ tar -zxvf BBMap_37.66.tar.gz && rm BBMap_37.66.tar.gz
- Install Auto-q by executing these commands in /home/qiime/bin/ :
$ git clone https://github.com/Attayeb/auto-q/ && rm -rf auto-q/.git
Edit .bashrc in your home directory and add the following line at the end:
$ echo 'export PATH="/home/qiime/bin/auto-q/:/home/qiime/bin/bbtools/:/home/qiime/bin/usearch/:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
- If you want to use SILVA database you can download it from here https://www.arb-silva.de/no_cache/download/archive/qiime/ use the latest one Silva_128_release.tgz, after downloading this file decompress it.
- Modify qiime.cfg file to indicate the folders of your database. The default preinstalled greengenes folder is: /home/qiime/lib/python2.7/site-packages/qiime_default_reference/gg_13_8_otus/ Please modify this file according to your settings.
FASTQ files are named with the sample name and the sample number, which is a numeric assignment based on the order that the sample is listed in the sample sheet. Example:
R1 → SampleName_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
R2 → SampleName_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
keep a copy of the original compressed fastq files in a safe folder and use another copy after decompressing them. To decompress the fastq.gz file use this commnad inside the folder in terminal:
$ gunzip *.fastq.gz
Auto-q determines R1 and R2 using the names of the files, please do not modify the file names.
usage: auto-q.py [-h] -i Input folder -o Output folder
[-t trim_phred_threshold] [-p fastq-join p]
[--adapter ADAPTER_REFERENCE] [-b starting step] [-s stop at]
[-j joining method] [-m] [-q quality control threshold]
[--continuation_reference newref_seq.fna]
[--continuation_otu_id C_OTU_ID] [-r Reference database]
[-c Configuration file name] [-a Mapping file name]
[--parameter_file_name PARAMETER_FILE_NAME]
[-n Number of jobs] [-e Sampling depth]
[--remove_intermediate_files] [--ml Minimum length]
[--primer-trim-f Primer Trim] [--primer-trim-r Primer Trim]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i Input folder the input sequences filepath (fastq files) [REQUIRED]
-o Output folder the output directory [REQUIRED]
-t trim_phred_threshold
phred quality threshold for trimming [default: 12]
-p fastq-join p fastq-join's percentage of mismatch [default: 16]
Adapters reference file
-b starting step starting the analysis in the middle: (otu_picking),
(diversity_analysis), (chimera_removal)
-s stop at terminate the analysis at this step [choices:
(merging), (quality_control), (chimera_removal))
-j joining method choose the merging method (fastq-join) or (bbmerge)
[default: fastq-join]
-m Assign maxloose to be true for bbmerge [default:
-q quality control threshold
quality control phred threshold [default: 19]
--continuation_reference newref_seq.fna
reference sequence for continuation. If you want to
continue analysis using the reference data set from
previous analysis. you can find it in the last sample
otus folder new_refseqs.fna
--continuation_otu_id C_OTU_ID
continuation reference new otus ids
-r Reference database
silva, greengenes [default: silva]
-c Configuration file name
Configuration file name [default: qiime.cfg]
-a Mapping file name Mapping file name
--parameter_file_name PARAMETER_FILE_NAME
The name of the parameter file [if not assigned is
automatically produced using configuration file
-n Number of jobs Specify the number of jobs to start with [default: 2]
-e Sampling depth sampling depth for diversity analyses [default: 10000]
To remove intermediate files, to reduce the disk space
--ml Minimum length Minimum length of reads kept after merging [default:
--primer-trim-f Primer Trim
length of the forward primer [17]
--primer-trim-r Primer Trim
length of the reverse primer [21]
$ auto-q.py -i /data/experiment1/fastqs/ -o /data/experiment1/results/ -t 12 -p 10 -r silva -n 10 -e 5000 -c /bin/auto-q/qiime.cfg
$ auto-q.py -i /data/experiment1/fastqs/ -o /data/experiment1/results/ -t 10 -p 16 -s merging -n 10 -c /bin/auto-q/qiime.cfg
$ auto-q.py -i /data/experiment1/results/chi/ -o /data/experiment1/results/ -b otu_picking -n 10 -c /bin/auto-q/qiime.cfg
$ auto-q.py -i /data/experiment1/results/chi/ -o /data/experiment1/results/ -b otu_picking -n 1 -c /bin/auto-q/qiime.cfg
Full analysis output folder will has 7 subfolders:
Folder name | content |
others\ | log file, Mapping file, parameter file |
trimmed\ | fastq files after trimming |
merged\ | fastq files after merging pair reads |
qc\ | fasta files after quality step |
chi\ | fastq files after chimera removed |
otus\ | picked otus standard Qiime output |
div\ | diversity analyses results |
Mohsen, A., Park, J., Chen, YA., Kawashima, H., Mizuguchi, K., Impact of quality trimming on the efficiency of reads joining and diversity analysis of Illumina paired-end reads in the context of QIIME1 and QIIME2 microbiome analysis frameworks. BMC Bioinformatics 20, 581 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-019-3187-5
@article{Mohsen_Park_Chen_Kawashima_Mizuguchi_2019, title={Impact of quality trimming on the efficiency of reads joining and diversity analysis of Illumina paired-end reads in the context of QIIME1 and QIIME2 microbiome analysis frameworks}, volume={20}, ISSN={1471-2105}, DOI={10.1186/s12859-019-3187-5}, number={1}, journal={BMC Bioinformatics}, author={Mohsen, Attayeb and Park, Jonguk and Chen, Yi-An and Kawashima, Hitoshi and Mizuguchi, Kenji}, year={2019}, month={Nov}, pages={581} }