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sbellity edited this page Jan 2, 2013 · 9 revisions

Check list is at the wiki on for editing / history. Conversations / discussions at

I will keep this top issue synchronized with the wiki every day or so. Please refer to the above link to move/add/remove/update items. - tony


End of October


  • todo => not started yet
  • in-progress => started, but not completed yet
  • done => completed

For launch

  • Consolidate tickets and labels - If there are duplicate / stale tickets, at this juncture it's OK to leave a reference to a sibling / child ticket. If the ticket is stale let creator know they can reopen, we're cleaning.
  • Code Documentation - Clean up, spell check, read out loud
  • Wiki Documentation - for Aura history, patterns, resources, development guidelines, etc.
  • Routing - Backbone router example #93. done #136 - tony
  • Website - Website for Aura in progress #132
  • Yeoman - support #108 - support for yeoman generation
  • Publish to package managers - Publish Aura to Bower, Jam and Volo


Things that would be nice to have.

  • Statefulness example #127 - Definitely want to see if we can have widgets using the same data set somehow. If we cannot make this in time I'll document patterns in-progress #127 - tony
  • Docco - depends on how code is looking.

Not sure

these are things that may not be relevant, feel free to remove/delete

  • npm package - Put aura on npm site?

For future release

Can be marked with a v1.1 or a v2.0, etc.

  • move / add something here.


Any upstream libs that have integration points or breaking changes upcoming?

  • Backbone - ongoing - Edge uses dispose for clean-up
  • Yeoman - released - Yeoman is released, it would be nice to have a generator
  • RequireJS - looking OK - no breaking updates
  • jQuery - OK

Last check Oct 8, 2012


Checklist inspired by Ubuntu's blueprint concept, Ubuntu's interlock, KDE feature plan.