To compile :
make all
To parse an input file say, sample-inputs/public-sites/github-nav-demo.txt
, type :
# No need to give .txt extension
make validate src=sample-inputs/public-sites/github-nav-demo
Keyword | Use | Example |
open |
Used to open a url/application |
open ""
click |
Used to click on an element |
click on "Issues"
type |
Used to type a string in some element |
type "afh-random-user" in "Pick a username"
wait |
Wait's for a particular amount of time in seconds |
wait for "10"
hover |
Used to hover over an element |
hover on "Fragments"
execjs |
Used to execute javascript inside the browser context |
execjs "localStorage.setItem('random-key', 'false');"
Keyword | Use | Example |
click |
Used to click on an element with id "issues-id" |
click on "issues-id" "id"
click if present |
Used to click on an element if its present |
click if present on "issues-id"
type |
Used to type a string in some element with class name "#user-name" |
type "afh-random-user" in "#user-name" "class"
Keyword | Use | Example |
click |
Used to click on the 2nd issue |
click on 2nd "issue"
type |
Used to type a string in the 4th text box named "enter text here" |
type "afh-random-user" in 4th "enter text here"
Keyword | Use | Example |
wait until |
Used to wait until the element is visible |
wait until "/AXApplication[@AXTitle='Calculator']"