Repository for the Project Zulu software application. This repository was originally created for the EECS3311 course at the Lassonde School of Engineering (York University), but it has been extended for the addition and improvement of the features/design.
Team Name: Zulu
Team Members: Avaninder Bath | Nikolaos Diamantakis | John Wiens-Soshycki | Luana Ribeiro Madeira
- JFreeChart, mysql-connector, and Apache Math Commons libraries are already imported and ready to use, so there should be no need to import them manually
- All implemented parts of the application now work together, as part of the requirements for this application
- Install Java SE 19 and MySQL/MySQL Server 8.0.32
- During the installation of MySQL Server, set up your Workbench to have the username "root" and the password "root" for access to the database
- Create a schema called "database" in MySQL Workbench, and open/run the NHPI-Database.sql file to complete setup of the database for this program
- Run - this is the main file of the program
- Enjoy!