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Releases: avilapa/vxr


31 Mar 20:08
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I integrated into the engine a physics assignment I had to do in university... The physics part will stay like this for some time, as I have to finish up with the PBR project for university. I hope to be able to add more stuff soon, I really enjoyed programming physics and collisions! :^)


  • Added Rigidbody component to simulate physics on an object.
    • Discrete collision detection with sort & sweep broadphase method, checking for AABB between the spheres at first.
    • Gravity, damping and impulses and intersection correction.
  • Added Collider component and shapes to detect discrete rigidbody collisions.
    • current shapes include spheres and heighmaps.
  • Added HeightMap mesh.


  • Fixed #2.
  • Fixed FPS counter.
  • Fixed double draw on full screen editor.

Known bugs:

  • Applications with UI elements interacting with engine objects can crash the app due to UI not being thread safe as of now (see example 07-Physics).

Postprocessing Pipeline

20 Dec 20:01
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Changelog at the end!

Post-processing (& PRE-processing!)

One of the key parts of building a PBR material model is being able to capture the environment and process it so that you can later use it to calculate indirect lighting, specular reflections, and others. In my case for example, I need to get irradiance maps out of a cubemap. This kind of process is quite expensive and cannot be done each frame (note: It can be done quicker using other methods involving Spherical Harmonics), that is why I need to have a way in the engine to handle pre-processing (at least that is what I call that!).

From my point of view, the kind of pre-processing I have in mind is very similar to a post-processing effect (in the way that both have to render a material, but they may need some textures to output the result, a framebuffer), only that the pre-process is done once (or once every a number of frames).

Render Pass

The last time I had to implement a post/pre-processing pipeline, I decided to make all of the actual post-process objects inherit from the Material object, as the only difference (mostly) would be the need to add a framebuffer object and some helper functions to retrieve the texture outputs.

This ended up creating some confusion, because even though they were so similar, you cannot replace any material with a post-processing material, it just won't work (and it does not need to either...) and vice versa. So this time I decided to make them different, unrelated objects: Material and RenderPass. They both implement similar functionalities, and they both use the Material / MaterialInstance workflow I wrote about in the last Release notes.

Camera Composer

The Composer is an object that I really like to have in an engine, but it can be tricky to make it properly (and properly flexible). It is still not finished, just a simple version of it is added at the moment, but the main idea is for it to be an easy-to-use post-processing pipeline organizer.

It has to be capable of receiving new RenderPass instances with an specified relation with each other and create a queue of execution that is updated automatically.

What I mean by specified relations is that each pass takes some input textures that have been previously set, but others will come from the actual scene, or other passes' results.

For example, you having this simple pipeline:

  1. SSAO-Compute
  2. SSAO-Blur
  3. SSAO-Blend

The SSAO-Compute pass needs receive the scene as an input, and it will output an ambient occlusion texture that the SSAO-Blur pass will process. But the SSAO-Blend needs to have not only the original scene texture, but the SSAO-Blur blurred SSAO texture as well in order to blend them in some way and output the final scene to the screen.

Apart from this basic concatenating stuff, it also manages the actual pipeline, so different composers can be created with relative ease to implement forward, deferred and other custom pipelines, and replace them with a click!

I am still not 100% sure how I will create this dependencies in an easy-to-expand, readable manner, but you will most likely know soon. Last time I did it, I managed to make it very readable and easy to configure, but no user-expansion was contemplated.

Coming (very) soon

  • RenderPasses to be able to render the scene instead of a quad?
  • Pre-processing effects for IBL components and environment mapping, as well as BRDF texture LUT creation.
  • Most post-processing effects (FXAA, SSAO, Blur,...).

Coming (not so) soon (but quite!)

  • First implementation of a PBR material model.
  • Procedural Sky material.


  • Added Camera Composer class and delegated all Camera System rendering methods to it. The Composer acts as a render pass organizer. Different passes are given in a specific order and they are concatenated and rendered automatically. Each camera can have different configurations.
  • Added Negative and Grayscale one-pass-filters.
  • Added IBL light component (still empty!).
  • Added Log in the Editor.
  • Added new UI for the Camera, and the Skybox.
  • Camera can now choose between rendering a solid color and a skybox. If no skybox is available, one can bre created from the Lighting menu.
  • Moved some files into folders for better organization.
  • Modified a bunch of include routes to do more forward declarations.
  • Added core_minimal.h include file for examples to have all general work includes.

Skyboxes and new materials workflow!

14 Dec 21:15
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Quite an important change I've been wanting to do for a while was to separate the actual GPU material from its settings completely (color, textures, and other uniforms). I am quite happy with how it turned out, but it will surely undergo some more changes in the future as I really get used to it, but at the moment this is how it stands:

Creating materials and their instances goes as follows:

class Unlit : public Material
    VXR_OBJECT(Unlit, Material);

    class Instance : public MaterialInstance
      VXR_OBJECT(Instance, MaterialInstance);

      virtual void onGUI() override;

      void set_color(Color color);
      Color color() const;

The Unlit() constructor contains the actual gpu shader data, while the Instance() constructor just needs to initialize itself with the name of the material (textures could be initialized here if wanted, as its a per-instance operation (a single MaterialInstance can be used in multiple objects!)):

    set_shaders("unlit.vert", "unlit.frag");



The AssetManager comes to play in the Instance() constructor, as the actual material reference will be retrieved via the manager. In order for a new user-created Material to be considered by the manager, you just need to make the following call:


In the future, materials will be loaded from files in the assets folder, and the process will be even more automatic!

Some useful material instances have been added as engine provided materials, and more will shortly join the crew! At the moment Screen, Unlit, Wireframe, Skybox and Standard (lit) are available.

What is cool about the System, is that more complex instances can be created by initializing more than one material in them. This comes in handy for example when using materials that can be rendered using a flat color, a 2D texture, a CubeMap texture, or any other type. This is the case of the Standard material, which is actually 3 different materials (Standard, Standard::Textured and Standard::TexturedCubemap) but a single instance class. Depending on which texture you set it to render (or if you set a texture at all) a material will be selected internally.

You can see this example here:

And for an example of use, check:


  • New Material / MaterialInstance workflow.
  • Materials that don't use shader blocks can now be flagged with set_uniforms_enabled(false).
  • Added functionality to AssetManager.
  • Reorganized folders inside graphics.
  • Added Skybox rendering!
  • Started to work towards const-correctness.
  • Fixed texture world position in PlanetEditor.

Adding lights for Christmas!

09 Dec 19:37
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ezgif com-resize


Getting ready for Christmas! And getting ready for going physically based, really.

  • Added simple light component classes (directional).
  • Added example code on the dev example.
  • Added default materials Unlit, Screen, and Standard.
    • Standard will eventually become a physically based material. At the moment, it is Phong lit.
  • Refactored all shader code.
    • Added common shaders for shared features.
    • Now the user doesn't need to:
      • Add #version 330 tag.
      • Define position, normals and uv vertex attributes in the shader. Getters in the format of getPosition() are provided for its use.
      • Define default varying data for the fragment shader. However, if the user wants to use the data in the shader, they can call several different functions to setup the data (setupWorldSpaceOutput(), setupScreenSpaceOutput()) or setup each of the values separately (setupPositionOutput(), setupNormalOutput(vec3())).
      • Define the Common uniform block. Every shader will have access to its variables. Also, some helper functions have been provided for the user such as getClipPosition().
      • Define texture uniforms. They can be accessed with u_tex0, u_tex1, u_tex2...
      • Define out fragColor. Output color can be set using setFragmentColor(vec3 / vec4).
    • Some helper functions such as computeLightContribution() have been added. At the moment, not much functionality is available, but soon a lot of other functions will follow!
  • The editor now has an option to be hidden and show the application full-screen.
  • Shaders are no longer located in the assets folder. Now they are inside of each backend folder inside of src/graphics.

Colors colors colors!

31 Oct 18:33
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Colors colors colors! Pre-release


This is a small update, mainly to provide fixes to some misleading error messages, and to improve the documentation of the examples.

  • Removed "Returning NULL" misleading error message from camera (#1).
  • Added clear documentation for the examples and cleaned some unused code.
  • Created Math class to contain utility functions such as lerp, inverseLerp,...
  • Added more colors to the color class (totally necessary addition!).
  • Removed Release configuration from the solution builder due to an unfixed problem.
  • Improved 06-PlanetEditor example.
  • Added a VS2017 + OpenGL solution for easier testing.