This is a collection of open source alternative firmwares for Modulove's Sync LFO and A-RYTH-MATIK.
Documentation for each alt firmware is available at This site also provides the ability to flash the firmware to your module directly from your web browser! No need to compile or upload from the Arduino IDE!
Original open source hardware/firmware and design can be found here:
# Clone the HagiwoModulove repository
$ git clone
# Install libmodulove from GitHub using the arduino cli.
$ arduino-cli config init
$ arduino-cli config set library.enable_unsafe_install true
$ arduino-cli lib install --git-url
# OR optionally clone libmodulove for local development
$ git clone
$ ln -s `pwd`/libmodulove ~/Arduino/libraries
Required Extensions:
Arduino Board Configuration: Arduino Nano
Select Programmer: AVRISP mkii
CMD + Shift + P > C/C++: Edit Configurations (JSON)
Within the Arduino
configuraiton, add -mmcu=atmega328
to the compilerArgs
"compilerArgs": [
Next add your Arduino libraries path to the includePath
"includePath": [
To make sure the Arduino extension does not overwrite these changes, update .vscode/arduino.json
and add the following config:
"intelliSenseGen": "disable"
Additional board config for an LGT8F328P Arduino Nano clone
"arduino.additionalUrls": [
You're now ready to start hacking!