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CloudWatch Logs Insights Queries

This repository contains a number of useful queries you can copy, paste and run using CloudWatch Logs Insights.

For an overview of CloudWatch Logs Insights, see Operating Lambda: Using CloudWatch Logs Insights on the AWS Compute Blog. While this blog post focuses on querying logs from AWS Lambda, CloudWatch Logs Insights may be used to analyze logs from any logs stored in CloudWatch.

Save queries using CloudFormation

Queries described below can be persisted in your CloudWatch Logs Insights page using the CloudFormation template in cloudformation.yaml, To deploy the stack with the AWS CLI:

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name cloudwatch-logs-insights-queries --template-body file://cloudformation.yaml

General queries

25 most recent logs

fields @timestamp, @message
| sort @timestamp desc
| limit 25

Number of exceptions per hour

filter @message like /Exception/
| stats count(*) as exceptionCount by bin(1h)
| sort exceptionCount desc

Lambda Queries

Average and max duration

filter @type ="REPORT"
| parse @message /Duration: (?<ms>\S+)/
| stats avg(ms),
by bin(30s)

Top 100 highest billed invocations

filter @type = "REPORT"
| fields @requestId, @billedDuration
| sort by @billedDuration desc
| limit 100

Find count, average duration, max duration and average memory for cold starts

filter @type ="REPORT"
| parse @message /Init Duration: (?<init>\S+)/
| stats count() as total,
  count(init) as coldStarts,
  avg(init) as avgInitDuration,
  max(init) as maxInitDuration,
  avg(@maxMemoryUsed)/1000/1000 as memoryused
by bin (1min)

Percentage of cold starts in total invocations

filter @type = "REPORT"
| stats
  sum(strcontains(@message, "Init Duration"))/count(*) * 100 as coldStartPct,
by bin(1m)

Percentile report of Lambda duration

filter @type = "REPORT"
| stats
  avg(@billedDuration) as Average,
  pct(@billedDuration, 99) as NinetyNinth,
  pct(@billedDuration, 95) as NinetyFifth,
  pct(@billedDuration, 90) as Ninetieth
by bin(1m)

Percentile report of Lambda memory usage

filter @type = "REPORT"
| stats avg(@maxMemoryUsed / 1024 / 1024) as mean_MemoryUsed,
  min(@maxMemoryUsed / 1024 / 1024) as min_MemoryUsed,
  max(@maxMemoryUsed / 1024 / 1024) as max_MemoryUsed,
  pct(@maxMemoryUsed / 1024 / 1024, 95) as Percentile

Invocations using 75% or more of assigned memory

filter @type = "REPORT" and @maxMemoryUsed >= (@memorySize * 0.75)
| stats
by bin(30m)

Latency report

filter @type = "REPORT"
| stats avg(@duration),
by bin(1m)

Free memory

filter @type = "REPORT"
| stats max(@memorySize / 1024 / 1024) as provisonedMemMB,
  min(@maxMemoryUsed / 1024 / 1024) as smallestMemReqMB,
  avg(@maxMemoryUsed / 1024 / 1024) as avgMemUsedMB,
  max(@maxMemoryUsed / 1024 / 1024) as maxMemUsedMB,
  provisonedMemMB - maxMemUsedMB as overProvisionedMB

Billed GB-S

filter @type = "REPORT"
| stats sum(@billedDuration)/1000 * avg(@memorySize)/1024000000 as billedGBs by bin(1m)

Compare cold and warm start durations

filter @type = "REPORT"
| fields greatest(@initDuration, 0) + @duration as duration,
  ispresent(@initDuration) as coldStart
| stats count(*) as count,
  pct(duration, 50) as p50,
  pct(duration, 90) as p90,
  pct(duration, 99) as p99,
  max(duration) as max
by coldStart


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