Find more informations about us : here
Install the github windows software. Then, click on tools > options and change the default storage directory to point to the webserver root. Fork the azertea repository and clone the code on your computer.
GitHub for Windows :
Create a database with PhpMyAdmin. Open the file web_server_root/your_azertea_folder/app/config/database.php and update the database password and the database name with your's local username and password.
For the next step, you'll need to execute a program written in php. But first, we will configure environment variables in Windows for specify the directory where the php executable is located.
- From the Desktop, right-click My Computer and click Properties.
- Click Advanced System Settings link in the left column.
- In the System Properties window click the Environment Variables button.
More information here
Edit the system environment variable ( not user environment variable ) nammed "Path" and add to the previous value
- a semicolon ;
- then the folder where php.exe is located (I guess in your case that would be C:\xampp\php )
"Path" would looks like [precedent values of path];C:\xampp\php (for Xampp web server)
Hold the SHIFT key while you right-click the Windows window on the laravel root folder. You should see "Open Command Window here"
On the command window, type :
php artisan migrate --env=local
##That's it You can try to reach your local website now !
Install MAMP from
Then edit your ~/.bash_profile to add the following line :
export PATH="/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.4.10/bin/:$PATH"
Go to /tmp and type
curl -sS | php sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
Check your installation :
Download the latest code from this repository
Run the following command in the root of the repo :
php -S localhost:4000 server.php
Check the server going to http://localhost:4000/