numbers.vim is a plugin for intelligently toggling line numbers.
It is a fork of @myusuf3 plugin.
This plugin alternates between relative (relativenumber
), absolute (number
and hidden line numbering for active window depending on the mode you are in.
In hidden
mode all event-based mode changes are turned off to keep numbers
hidden untill next NumbersToggle
or NumbersEnable
Commands are included for toggling the line numbering method and for enabling and disabling the plugin.
- Vim 7.3+
Using vundle or pathogen for installation is recommended.
For vundle users, add the following to your .vimrc
and then run a :BundleInstall
Bundle "b3niup/numbers.vim"
For pathogen users, clone the repo:
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/numbers
If you would like to hide numbers in vim plugins or in files with specified filetype you can set custom g:numbers_exclude list in your .vimrc:
let g:numbers_exclude = ['nerdtree', 'html']
This example will hide numbers in NERD Tree and all html files.
By default plugin excludes following filetypes:
let g:numbers_exclude = ['minibufexpl', 'nerdtree', 'unite', 'tagbar', 'startify', 'gundo', 'vimshell', 'w3m']
Be sure to include this superset in your .vimrc if you only would like to extend it.
Once installed, no action is required on your part.
But for convenience, you may want to add mappings in your .vimrc
for some of the commands, e.g.,
nnoremap <silent> <F2> :NumbersToggle<CR>
It is though strongly recommended to use following mapping:
inoremap <C-c> <Esc><Esc>
It is a workaround for issue where InsertLeave
event is not working with Ctrl+c.
Another way to fix this is add autocmd CursorMoved * :call NumbersReset()
in NumbersEnable()
around line 104 in plugin/numbers.vim
, but personally I do not like idea of calling even such light function with every cursor move.