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Documentation of Gru Agents

1. Introduction

Gru Agents is a set of agents that can be used to automate tasks in software development. Currently, the only agent that is publicly available is Test Gru which can be used to generate unit tests automatically in your repository. The following diagram shows the workflow of Test Gru: image

  • User can select files to manually trigger Test Gru to add or update unit tests for the selected files.
  • Test Gru will be triggered automatically when a new Pull Request or Push is created.
  • Test Gru will analyze the trigger event and determine the files that are affected by the change.
  • Once unit tests are ready(passed all executions, lint, etc...), Test Gru will create a Pull Request as deliverable.
  • User can review the unit tests and merge the Pull Request or comment on the Pull Request to request changes.

2. Installation

  1. Login to
  2. Follow the instructions to install the agent in your repository. Quick Start

3. Configuration

For each of the repository, you MUST configure before you can use the agent. The configuration is for the following purposes:

  1. Tell the agent how to setup the environment for the repository.
  2. Tell the agent how to run the tests, lint, and format the code.
  3. Tell the agent the language and framework of the repository.
  4. Tell the agent the rules of the repository such as where to put the unit tests, what is the naming convention of the unit tests, etc...

Use the Test Gru Console to edit the configuration, currently, we only support one configuration per repository.


The configuration yaml should follow the schema Test Gru Configuration Schema.

Here is an basic example of the configuration:

version: "1.0"
    - npm install
      - npx vitest run {{testFilePath}}
  exportFunctionOrClass: allow
    - src
    - src/agents/utils/build-context-msg/index.ts
    - src/scripts/generate-interface.ts
    - src/agents/model/*
    - type: co-located
      testFilePattern: "{{sourceFileName}}.test.ts"
  language: typescript
  framework: vitest

Prebuilt Parameters

The following parameters are prebuilt by Gru and can be used in the configuration.

  • {{sourceFilePath}}: The path of the source code file, e.g. src/utils/format.ts.
  • {{sourceFileName}}: The name of the source code file, e.g. format.
  • {{testFilePath}}: The path of the test code file, e.g. test/utils/format.test.ts.

Basic Configuration Fields

The following fields are the MUST have in any configuration.

  • global.setup: The commands to setup the environment for the repository. You can put multiple commands in one item or separate items. For example:
        - npm install
        - npm run build
        - |
          npm install
          npm run build
    Please note that the above two configurations are not equivalent. The first one will run npm install and npm run build in two separate sessions. The second one will run npm install && npm run build in one session.
  • pipeline.runTest.exec: The commands to run the tests. Similar to global.setup, you can put multiple commands in one item or separate items. In most cases, you should put the commands in one item.
  • settings.exportFunctionOrClass: Whether to export functions or classes. Sometimes, the functions to be tested are not exported. You can set this to allow to allow the agent to export the functions.
  • settings.include: The folders of source code to trigger the agent. You can specify multiple folders or use wildcard to match multiple folders. If not specified, the agent will NOT be triggered in any case.
  • settings.exclude: The change of folders/files of source code that should NOT trigger the agent. You can specify multiple folders or use wildcard to match multiple folders. This is useful when you want to exclude some files from being tested. If not specified, the agent will be triggered by any source code changes in the folders specified in settings.include.
  • settings.testPlacementStrategies: The strategies to place the unit tests. There are three strategies you can choose from:
    • co-located: The unit tests are placed in the same folder as the source code. For example:
          - type: co-located
            testFilePattern: "{{sourceFileName}}.test.ts"
    • centralized: The unit tests are placed in a centralized folder. For example:
          - type: centralized
            testFilePattern: test_{{sourceFileName}}.py
            testDir: tests
    • regex: Define your own rules to place the unit tests. For example:
        - type: regex
          testFilePattern: "{{sourceFileName}}.test.ts"
          testDirPattern: "/src(.*)/g"
          testDirReplacement: "test/$1"
      The above configuration will place the unit tests in the test folder but keep the folder structure of the src folder.
  • settings.language: The language of the repository.
  • settings.framework: The framework of the repository.

Advanced Configuration Fields

The following fields are optional, use them only if you understand what they are for.

  • env.image: You can specify a custom image for the agent to use, for example Gru will use this image to start the sandbox. If not provided, Gru will use the default image.
  • env.credential: The credential for accessing the image, it can be a Github PAT or other credentials depending on the image hosting service.
  • global.cleanup: The commands to clean up the environment after the agent is done.
  • pipeline.runTest.pre: The commands to run before the tests are executed, usually execute tools to fix code format, such as npx prettier {{testFilePath}} --write.
  • The commands to run after the tests are executed, usually execute tools to check code format or lint, such as eslint_d {{testFilePath}} --fix --no-warn-ignored --max-warnings=0.
  • The commands to run after the source code is updated(if you enable settings.exportFunctionOrClass, Gru may update your source code), usually execute tools to format the code, such as npx prettier {{sourceFilePath}} --write.
  • on.push.include: Which branches to trigger the agent. You can specify multiple branches or use wildcard to match multiple branches. If not specified, the agent will NOT be triggered by push events.
          - main
          - feature/*
  • on.push.exclude: Which branches to exclude from trigging the agent. You can specify multiple branches or use wildcard to match multiple branches. If not specified, all branches listed in on.push.include will trigger the agent.
          - testgru-*
  • on.pullRequest.include: Pull Request events with the specified conditions will trigger the agent. Conditions include the source branch name and the title of the pull request. For example:
            - "**"
            - "feature/*"
    The above configuration will trigger the agent when the source branch matches ** AND the title of the pull request matches feature/*. Note:
    1. If no on.push or on.pullRequest is specified, the default behavior is to trigger the agent by all pull request events.
    2. If any on.push or on.pullRequest is specified, the agent will be triggered by according to the specified conditions.
  • on.pullRequest.exclude: Pull Request events with the specified conditions will NOT trigger the agent. Conditions include the source branch name and the title of the pull request. For example:
            - "testgru-*"
            - "WIP*"
    The above configuration will NOT trigger the agent when the source branch matches testgru-* OR the title of the pull request matches WIP*. If not specified, the agent will be triggered by all pull request events specified in on.pullRequest.include.
  • settings.workingDir: The working directory of the agent. This is useful when you want to run the tests in a specific directory such as monorepo. If not specified, the agent will use the root directory of the repository.
  • settings.mockIgnore: The packages that should NOT be mocked. For example:
        - ajv
        - lodash
        - lodash-es
        - moment
        - uuid
        - bytes
    Test Gru will try best to NOT mock above packages when generating unit tests.
  • settings.pullRequest.titleFormat: The format of the title of the pull request.
        titleFormat: "test: add unit test for {{sourceFilePath}}"
    The above configuration will generate a title like test: add unit test for src/utils/test.ts.
  • settings.pullRequest.branchFormat: The format of the branch name of the pull request.
        branchFormat: "gru/{{sourceFilePath}}-{{timestamp}}"
    The above configuration will generate a branch name like gru/src-utils-test-ts-1739530013160.
  • settings.pullRequest.targetBranch.updated: What to do when the branch that triggered the agent is updated.
          updated: rebase 
    The available options are rebase, redo, skip. This option is only effective when the agent is triggered by a pull request.
    • rebase: Rebase the branch on to the target branch.
    • redo: Regenerate the pull request based on the updated branch.
    • skip: Do nothing. This is the default behavior.
  • settings.exampleRef: It is recommended to provide an example reference for the agent to generate unit tests. For example:
        - match: "src/store/**/*.ts"
            - src/store/chat/slices/aiChat/actions/__tests__/generateAIChat.test.ts
            - src/store/global/action.test.ts
        - match: "src/services/message/**/*.ts" 
            - src/services/message/client.test.ts
    You can specify multiple match and examples to provide references for different parts of the codebase.

Dry Run

It is highly recommended to do a dry run before you save the configuration file. You can do this by clicking the Dry Run button in the configuration editor. Make sure the dry run is successful before you save the configuration. However, if you do believe the configuration is correct, you can save it without a successful dry run.

Multiple Configurations

You can have multiple configurations in one repository. For example, you can have a configuration for submodule A and another configuration for submodule B. The configurations will take effect at the same time. For example:

version: "0.1"
  setup: []
      - go test {{testCodeIdentifier}} -v
    - pkg/**
  exportFunctionOrClass: not-allow
    - type: co-located
      testFilePattern: "{{sourceFileName}}_test.go"
  language: go
  framework: gotest
version: "0.1"
  setup: []
      - go test {{testCodeIdentifier}} -v
    - service/pkg/**
  exportFunctionOrClass: not-allow
    - type: co-located
      testFilePattern: "{{sourceFileName}}_test.go"
  workingDir: service
  language: go
  framework: gotest

Use --- to separate different configurations.

4. Usage

The usage of the agent is self-explanatory. Treat gru as a remote work colleague and collaborate with you only through Github.

5. Troubleshooting

If Gru is not working as expected, please check Test Gru Console, find the repository and assignment, you should see the job execution details.

6. FAQ

For any questions, please contact us at


Documentation of Gru Agents






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