I am a passionate Software Developer with 2 years of professional experience at the Bombay Stock Exchange, Mumbai. My expertise lies in backend development, where I have worked on technologies like C, C++, MFC, FIX Protocol, Socket Programming, Solace API, and more. I enjoy crafting efficient solutions and am dedicated to optimizing applications for high performance and reliability.
In my journey from campus to corporate, I have enhanced my skills in systems programming, debugging, and integrating APIs. I'm always eager to learn and implement emerging technologies, aiming to deliver value-driven solutions.
📂 Professional Projects
FIX Protocol Communication Suite: Developed and deployed a suite of applications (FixClient and Fix Server) to enable seamless communication between trading systems and financial exchanges via FIX Protocol.
Message-Oriented Middleware: Solace Pub/Sub Framework: Integrated Solace APIs for reliable messaging and event streaming, improving system efficiency.
TCP-Based Communication Framework: Developed and maintained TCP Networking based systems to streamline secure trade communication.
🌱 I’m currently learning Advanced C++ Concepts, High-Performance Computing, and Microservices Architecture.**
💬 Ask me about I specialize in backend systems and API integrations. Feel free to connect for discussions on systems design or data communication protocols.
📫 How to reach me harshitbansal394@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MLuUDajyl6bwfVIxXwc_ZL9jSeEZfzPw/view
⚡ Fun fact: I thrive on solving complex problems and learning new technologies.**