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Andrei-Pozolotin edited this page Apr 28, 2013 · 17 revisions

Java wrapper around native C++ UDT protocol implementation


Version History


TCP is [slow] ( . UDT is [fast] ( .


[UDT is a reliable UDP] ( based application level data transport protocol for distributed data intensive applications.

UDT is developed by Yunhong Gu and others at University of Illinois and Google.

UDT C++ implementation is available under BSD license


Barchart-UDT is a Java wrapper around native C++ UDT protocol implementation.

Barchart-UDT is developed by Andrei Pozolotin and others at [Barchart, Inc.] (

Barchart-UDT is available under [BSD license] ( as well.

Barchart-UDT exposes UDT protocol as both [] ( and [java.nio.channels.SocketChannel] ( and comes with a [java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider] ( .

Developers Welcome

If you are an expert in Java, NIO, JNI, C++, if you need this project for yourself, and if you can contribute to this project - please get in touch.

Maven Dependency

Barchart-UDT RELEASE is available in [maven central repository] ( .


To use Barchart-UDT SNAPSHOT as maven dependency in your java project, please provide the following repository and dependency definitions in your pom.xml:

	<!-- location of artifacts before they are published to maven central -->

Here is an dependency [example pom.xml] ( and [example project] ( .

You can find out current versions or download manually here: [RELEASE] ( or [SNAPSHOT] (

Please make sure you update barchart-udt-bundle artifact version in your pom.xml

Supported Platforms

Barchart-UDT is currently used on:

  • Oracle JDK: 6, 7;
ARCH/OS Linux Mac OSX Windows
arm-android ???
arm-rpi +++
x86/i386 YES YES YES
x86-64/amd64 YES YES YES


Watch [presentation] ( study [javadoc] ( read [doxygen] ( or browse the [source xref] ( .

Unit Tests in the source will provide good starting points for your java code.

Development Environment

Build System

  • jdk 1.6.0_37
  • maven 3.0.4
  • jenkins 1.450
  • eclipse 3.7
  • cdt 7.1
  • gcc 4.5.1
  • tdm-gcc 4.5.1
  • vmware 7.1
  • ubuntu 10.10
  • macosx 10.6.5
  • windows 7

Contact Information

Please enter your [bug reports / feature requests] ( in the "Issues";

Thank you.