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AWS CodeBuild NuGet License: MIT

A public library of .NET utilities.


  • AWS: Utilities to support communication with the AWS services.
  • Collections: Enhanced data structures for working with collections.
  • Core: Core classes providing various functionalities.
  • Extensions: Extensions used to extend the functionality of the data types.
  • Schedulers: Utilities to support scheduling tasks.


To install the package, use the following command:

dotnet add package Barchart.Common

Release Process

To create a new release use the following steps:

  • Ensure dependencies are up-to-date.
  • Create a new file in the .releases folder and commit it.
  • Bump the software version in the Barchart.Common.csproj file and tag the repository.
  • Create a GitHub Release based on the tag and add the release notes.
  • Finally, publish the packages to NuGet.

Publishing to NuGet

  • To publish the package to NuGet you need to log in to the Barchart QA virtual machine.
  • Open the powershell and navigate to the /desktop folder.
  • Run the following command to publish the package:


This software is available for use under the MIT license.