Attempt to wrap AWS SQS client with functionality similar to that of the gcloud pub/sub client.
The processor will simply run a given ProcessFunc
over any messages found on a given SQS queue. ProcessFunc
takes the sqs message body in as a string and decides how to decode and action on the message.
The ProcessFunc
must return either ProcessResultAck
or ProcessResultNack
. Ack
implies a success and leads to the message being deleted from the queue, whereas Nack
will re-publish the message to the queue.
import (
sqsprocessor ""
type messageBody struct {
ID string
Action EnumType
func (s *service) process(ctx context.Context, message messageBody) (ret sqsprocessor.ProcessResult) {
err := s.DoAction(message.ID, message.Action)
if err == nil {
ret = sqsprocessor.ProcessResultAck
func main() {
// initialise v2 sqs client
c := newClient()
config := sqsprocessor.ProcessorConfig{
Receive: sqs.ReceiveMessageInput{
WaitTimeSeconds: 10,
MaxNumberOfMessages: 10,
VisibilityTimeout: 2,
NumWorkers: 10,
Backoff: time.Second,
p := sqsprocessor.NewProcessor(c, config)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
done := make(chan struct{})
cleanup := func() {
<- done
go func() {
p.Process(ctx, middleware.JSONDecode(svc.process))
// some other code