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Port/adaption of the betty terminal emulator ( for 
the onyx international boox m92 e-book reader.

Standard install of the binary adds a shortcut in the Applications menu.
1. Copy the directory containing the installer to your boox.
2. On the boox browse to the installer directory
3. Click on install.oar, wait for the device to reboot.

1. Setup the SDK toolchain for the boox m92 (see e.g.
2. Get betty (
3. To compile libbetty you have to add the path to your arm-linux-cc compiler
4. Go to the source directory, edit to point it to the libbetty.a library

Type commands with the onscreen keyboard. Unfortunately not all keystrokes 
are available with the onscreen keyboard. For this reason there are several 
buttons to the left of the terminal screen. The buttons allow to insert:

Button	Function 
DEL	Send the Delete key (Char 0x7f)
Ctr-C	Send the SIGINT signal to the running process (Char 0x03)
ESC	Send the ESC key (Char 0x1b)
Ctr-...	Send a Ctr sequence, next character is combined with the Ctrl-key 
	(Chars 0x00-0x1f)

With these buttons and the on screen keyboard the complete ASCII table can 
be send, for reference see the table below.

- Input is frustratingly slow (dunno how to speed it up)
- Last line of the terminal widget is somehow not properly updated on the screen
  sometimes this renders the last line unreadable
- Interface is ugly 

- It would be nice to have several terminals at the same time in a tab widget

Bart (bartp5)

Dec	Oct	Hex	Char	Description
0	000	00	Ctrl-@	NUL 
1	001	01	Ctrl-A	SOH 
2	002	02	Ctrl-B	STX 
3	003	03	Ctrl-C	ETX 
4	004	04	Ctrl-D	EOT 
5	005	05	Ctrl-E	ENQ 
6	006	06	Ctrl-F	ACK 
7	007	07	Ctrl-G	BEL 
8	010	08	Ctrl-H	BS 
9	011	09	Ctrl-I	HT
10	012	0A	Ctrl-J	LF 
11	013	0B	Ctrl-K	VT 
12	014	0C	Ctrl-L	FF 
13	015	0D	Ctrl-M	CR 
14	016	0E	Ctrl-N	SO 
15	017	0F	Ctrl-O	SI 
16	020	10	Ctrl-P	DLE 
17	021	11	Ctrl-Q	DC1 
18	022	12	Ctrl-R	DC2 
19	023	13	Ctrl-S	DC3 
20	024	14	Ctrl-T	DC4 
21	025	15	Ctrl-U	NAK 
22	026	16	Ctrl-V	SYN 
23	027	17	Ctrl-W	ETB 
24	030	18	Ctrl-X	CAN 
25	031	19	Ctrl-Y	EM 
26	032	1A	Ctrl-Z	SUB 
27	033	1B	Ctrl-[	ESC 
28	034	1C	Ctrl-	FS 
29	035	1D	Ctrl-]	GS 
30	036	1E	Ctrl-^	RS 
31	037	1F	Ctrl-_	US 
32	040	20	 	Space
33	041	21	!	Exclamation mark
34	042	22	"	Double quote
35	043	23	#	Hash
36	044	24	$	Dollar
37	045	25	%	Percent
38	046	26	&	Ampersand
39	047	27	'	Apostrophe
40	050	28	(	Open Parenthesis
41	051	29	)	Close Parenthesis
42	052	2A	*	Asterisk
43	053	2B	+	Plus
44	054	2C	,	Comma
45	055	2D	-	Minus 
46	056	2E	.	Dot 
47	057	2F	/	Slash 
48	060	30	0	Digit
49	061	31	1	Digit
50	062	32	2	Digit
51	063	33	3	Digit
52	064	34	4	Digit
53	065	35	5	Digit
54	066	36	6	Digit
55	067	37	7	Digit
56	070	38	8	Digit
57	071	39	9	Digit
58	072	3A	:	Colon
59	073	3B	;	Semicolon
60	074	3C	<	Less than
61	075	3D	=	Equals
62	076	3E	>	Greater than
63	077	3F	?	Question mark
64	100	40	@	At
65	101	41	A	Upper case alphabetic character
66	102	42	B	Upper case alphabetic character
67	103	43	C	Upper case alphabetic character
68	104	44	D	Upper case alphabetic character
69	105	45	E	Upper case alphabetic character
70	106	46	F	Upper case alphabetic character
71	107	47	G	Upper case alphabetic character
72	110	48	H	Upper case alphabetic character
73	111	49	I	Upper case alphabetic character
74	112	4A	J	Upper case alphabetic character
75	113	4B	K	Upper case alphabetic character
76	114	4C	L	Upper case alphabetic character
77	115	4D	M	Upper case alphabetic character
78	116	4E	N	Upper case alphabetic character
79	117	4F	O	Upper case alphabetic character
80	120	50	P	Upper case alphabetic character
81	121	51	Q	Upper case alphabetic character
82	122	52	R	Upper case alphabetic character
83	123	53	S	Upper case alphabetic character
84	124	54	T	Upper case alphabetic character
85	125	55	U	Upper case alphabetic character
86	126	56	V	Upper case alphabetic character
87	127	57	W	Upper case alphabetic character
88	130	58	X	Upper case alphabetic character
89	131	59	Y	Upper case alphabetic character
90	132	5A	Z	Upper case alphabetic character
91	133	5B	[	Open square bracket
92	134	5C	\	Backslash
93	135	5D	]	Close square bracket
94	136	5E	^	Caret
95	137	5F	_	Underscore
96	140	60	`	Back quote
97	141	61	a	Lower case alphabetic character
98	142	62	b	Lower case alphabetic character
99	143	63	c	Lower case alphabetic character
100	144	64	d	Lower case alphabetic character
101	145	65	e	Lower case alphabetic character
102	146	66	f	Lower case alphabetic character
103	147	67	g	Lower case alphabetic character
104	150	68	h	Lower case alphabetic character
105	151	69	i	Lower case alphabetic character
106	152	6A	j	Lower case alphabetic character
107	153	6B	k	Lower case alphabetic character
108	154	6C	l	Lower case alphabetic character
109	155	6D	m	Lower case alphabetic character
110	156	6E	n	Lower case alphabetic character
111	157	6F	o	Lower case alphabetic character
112	160	70	p	Lower case alphabetic character
113	161	71	q	Lower case alphabetic character
114	162	72	r	Lower case alphabetic character
115	163	73	s	Lower case alphabetic character
116	164	74	t	Lower case alphabetic character
117	165	75	u	Lower case alphabetic character
118	166	76	v	Lower case alphabetic character
119	167	77	w	Lower case alphabetic character
120	170	78	x	Lower case alphabetic character
121	171	79	y	Lower case alphabetic character
122	172	7A	z	Lower case alphabetic character
123	173	7B	{	Open brace
124	174	7C	|	Vertical bar
125	175	7D	}	Close brace
126	176	7E	~	Tilde
127	177	7F	 	DEL 


Terminal Emulator for the boox m92







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