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How to contribute

basilisSam edited this page Nov 18, 2021 · 3 revisions

Development flow

We use the GitHub Flow.


Our branch name convection consists of 2 parts separated each word by dashes.

  1. The type
  2. A few words of the problem you are solving

Here are all the possible types:

Type Description
fix A bug or an issue
feat A new feature to the product
enc An encashment that has to be made.

For example: If you work on a task to fix the color of a component you could create a branch called fix-card-color.

Opening a Pull Request


  • Pull requests should contain the GitHub issue (if there is one).
  • I (or any other contributor) will probably review the PR in order to be migrated to the main branch.
  • The owner of the PR is responsible for merging the PR and removing the branch.
  • We use Merging.
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