Program Code: info-1272-project
This project is intended to create a web page simulating an Online Store with any theme.
Following are listed the requirements that must be fullfiled for this project.
- Object-oriented programming concepts applied through the Project
- Singleton Design Pattern applied to Store and ShoppingCart Classes
- Project Documentation following JSDoc concepts
- Shopping Cart and Currency Selection persistence using localStorage
- Website HTML constructed entirely using JavaScript
- Responsive CSS Queries
- Project development using Git with "bite-sized" commits
- Starting HTML code provided was not utilized
- Project to be created without use of any Framework or Libraries
- Store Item Class: ./scripts/classes/store-item.js
- Shopping Cart Class: ./scripts/classes/shopping-cart.js
- Review Item Class: ./scripts/classes/review.js
- (Not required) global varibale for store: ./scripts/global.js, ln 36
- array for the store items: ./scripts/classes/store.js, ln 22
- array for the cart items: ./scripts/global.js, ln 44
- Display the current Day/Time: ./scripts/header.js, ln 60 to 77
- Populate the store items array with at least 15 item objects: ./scripts/init-alt.js, ln 25 to 452
- Call your function that will display the store items (4.): (Section) ./scripts/main.js, ln 29 -> (Articles)./scripts/classes/store.js, ln 394 || ln 401
- Call your function that will display the cart items (5.): (Call) ./scripts/header.js, ln 82 -> (Method) ./scripts/classes/shopping-cart.js, ln 265 to 467
- Frontpage call "first loading" (All Articles): ./scripts/main.js, ln 376
- Store Class Method (Single Article-Front): ./scripts/classes/store.js, ln 454
- StoreItem Class Method (Article-Front): ./scripts/classes/store-item.js, ln 201 to 360
- Shopping Cart Class Method: ./scripts/classes/shopping-cart.js, ln 265 to 467
- Shopping Cart Class Method: ./scripts/classes/shopping-cart.js, ln 389 to 467
- Global Variable for Currency: ./scripts/globals.js, ln 40
- Frontpage Select: ./scripts/header.js, ln 114 to 119
- Utility Function for Conversion: ./scripts/utility.js, ln 44 to 50
- Home Page and Shopping Cart
- All related methods are in: ./scripts/classes/shopping-cart.js
- Same as 8. Add to Cart
- Review area acessible through clicking in a StoreItem review stars or score
- Review Class: ./scripts/classes/review.js
- Shopping Cart: ./scripts/classes/shopping-cart.js, ln 58 to 259
- Shopping Cart (JSON Validation): ./scripts/classes/shopping-cart.js, ln 551 to 612
- Review Creation: ./scripts/classes/store.js, ln 858 to 889
- Frontpage call "first loading" (All Articles): ./scripts/main.js, ln 376
- Store Class Method (Single Article-Back): ./scripts/classes/store.js, ln 475
- StoreItem Class Method (Article-Back): ./scripts/classes/store-item.js, ln 367 to 513
- Logo created using:
- Icons are from:
- Store Items pictures are from: