Module for configuring CouchDB
Tested on :
- Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 Squeeze
- Ubuntu Lucid 32 Bit
- Ubuntu Precise 64 Bit
With Puppet 2.6 and 2.7.
Patches for other operating systems welcome.
Clone this repo to a couchdb directory under your Puppet modules directory :
git clone git:// couchdb
puppet apply -e "class { 'couchdb': bind => '' }"
vagrant up
# site.pp
node default {
class { 'couchdb':
bind => '',
download => '',
filename => 'apache-couchdb-1.1.1.tar.gz',
foldername => 'apache-couchdb-1.1.1',
puppet apply /path/to/site.pp --modulepath /etc/puppet/modules --logdest console
Install the dependencies using Bundler:
bundle install
Run the following command :
bundle exec rake spec
- SSL cert options
- configure builds options
- dynamic foldername, filename, extension