This standard consist of a subset of sniffs from the TYPO3SniffPool and implements the Coding Guidelines for TYPO3CMS.
It contains just a ruleset.xml file in which we refer to the sniffs from PHP_CodeSniffer and from TYPO3SniffPool.
In case you didn't have install the TYPO3SniffPool or the PHP_CodeSniffer yet - no problem. This packages are marked as dependencies of this standard and will install automatically.
There are several ways to get the standard, which I am going to describe now. There is no right or wrong. Which way you choose depends on your preferences and at least on your requirements.
The easiest way to install this standard is via PEAR. Just call this command from your terminal:
$ pear channel-discover $ pear pear config-set preferred_state alpha $ pear install typo3/TYPO3CMS $ pear pear config-set preferred_state stable
This command will also install the TYPO3SniffPool version 1.0.0-alpha and the PHP_CodeSniffer into your PEAR path.
Be sure that the standard is there:
$ phpcs -i $ The installed coding standards are MySource, PEAR, PHPCS, PSR1, PSR2, Squiz, TYPO3CMS, TYPO3SniffPool and Zend
Have also a look at for more informations.
We also support Composer, a dependency manager for PHP.
Create a composer.json in the root folder of your project and declare this standard as a dependency:
{ "require": { "typo3-ci/typo3cms": "1.0.0-alpha" } }
This will install version 1.0.0-alpha of this standard. If you live on the edge, try:
{ "require": { "typo3-ci/typo3cms": "dev-master" } }
Since the package is managed with Packagist this is all what you need.
All these commands will also install the PHP_CodeSniffer and the TYPO3SniffPool into the vendor/ folder of your project. For more informations about Composer have a look at their documentation.
The third way is to clone the repository from github. In this case you have to take care about the dependencies by yourself.
$ git clone $ git clone
There is a 3b way to get the standards in at once. We have an umbrella repository which contains the three standards as subprojects. The subprojects points every time to the latest stable version, never to the master branch but to a tag.
$ git clone --recursive
As various the installations methods are, as various the usage is.
If you installed this standard via PEAR you are able to call the phpcs command globally.
$ phpcs --standard=TYPO3CMS /path/to/folder
Change into your project folder and call the PHP_CodeSniffer from there:
$ cd myproject $ php vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/scripts/phpcs --standard=TYPO3CMS /path/to/folder
Its also possible to call this standard with a global installed PHP_CodeSniffer (f.e. via PEAR)
$ cd myproject $ phpcs --standard=vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/CodeSniffer/Standards/TYPO3CMS/ruleset.xml /path/to/folder
After you cloned the standard and it dependencies the usage is nearly the same as above. There are two main methods.
- Copy the standard into the Standards/ folder of the PHP_CodeSniffer and call it with --standard=TYPO3CMS
- Put the standard at any place you want and call point to it absolutely --standard=/path/to/TYPO3CMS/ruleset.xml