- Download or clone this repository.
- Navigate to the directory:
cd ConfigFiles/
. - Copy the files you want onto your own. Make sure to backup your files incase you want to revert the changes.
cp vimrc ~/.vimrc
- This vimrc uses Vundle. Install Vundle.
- Open:
vi ~/.vimrc
. - Update:
:source %
(Run this command within vim). - Install Vundle plugins:
(Run this command within vim).
- Vundle plugin manager
- Hybrid colorscheme
- Airline status bar
- Tab is 2 spaces
- Auto wrap at column 80
- Thin grey bar after column 80
- Unnecessary whitespace is highlighted cyan
- Unnecessary whitespace is cleared upon writing or quitting
- Update:
$ source ~/.bashrc
or$ source ~/bash_profile
(Run this command from the terminal).
- Nothing special here, just a few aliases that I like along with directory coloring and some exports