We can look at 2D game engines to be build a better looking and functioning game
- Cocoa 2d (C++)
- Unity (C#)
- Others but might be using a different language
We could continue with what we already built
- We would have to refactor most of the exisiting code to a better state.
- It would look good on a resume to say you have built a game engine (which is basically what we are doing).
Game Types:
- Platformer ** Too many to make a list.
- Building, management, and simulation game ** Rimworld ** Prison Architect ** Factorio
- Roque-like ** Binding of Issac
There are other games we could do.
Expanding our current project to a 3D game engine would be possible. I would require a lot of work learning how to build everything in a logical manner.
Using a game engine would be the best option.
- Cry Engine
- Unreal Engine
- Unity (C#)
- Others...
- Font Rendereing, Kind of.
- Font Loading. FTLoader
- 2D Texture. Texture2D
- Texture Loading. TextureLoader
- Rendering System, basics are implemented.
- Level
- Entity
- Particle
- Sprites
- User Interface
- Animation
- Resource Management System
- Sprite Sheet
- Shaders
- Fonts
- Audio
- Cut Sense (if we have any)
- Entity (Game Object) System
- Player
- Enemies
- Weapons
- Power Ups
- Others
- Enemy Artificial Intelligence
- Gameplay Mechanics
- Movement