This is a Rails plugin for using Velocity ( templates in your views under JRuby. It might be useful if you are migrating a Java project to Rails.
This is compatible with Rails 3.0.
git clone cd velocity_on_rails gem build velocity_on_rails.gemspec
Install the gem.
Add the following line to your Rails Gemfile: gem ‘velocity_on_rails’
Invoke the command: bundle install
to install the gem.
Place Velocity templates under apps/views with the .vel extension.
You can inject variables into your views by providing a variables Hash to the :locals:
class DemoController < ApplicationController def index render :layout => false, :locals => {:page_title => "demo"} end end
It is possible to use the Velocity #parse command, but the path specified needs to be relative to ‘Rails.home/app/views’.
Copyright © 2010 Jake Benilov, released under the MIT license