A light weight whois tools written by shell.
Get whois server from iana automatic.
Custom whois server support, only support domain whois currently.
IP Whois support
Web whois support. If a TLD only can whois on website, for example, tt, whois.sh will checkout TLD.sh
in api folder, if exist, call TLD.sh
to get whois info.
yum install git curl -y # CentOS/RHEL
apt install git curl -y # Debian/Ubuntu/WSL
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/benzBrake/whois.sh.git .whois.sh
chmod +x ~/.whois.sh/*.sh ~/.whois.sh/*/*.sh
echo '. ~/.whois.sh/whois.sh.env' >> ~/.bash_profile
exec $SHELL
whois.sh domain
whois.sh ip
whois.sh -H whois.doufu.ru doufu.ru
Put your TLD.sh
in folder bin
- The purpose of this license is to prevent anti-labour-law companies from using the software or codes under the license, and force those companies to weigh their way of working
- It is an idea of @xushunke: Design A Software License Of Labor Protection -- Anti 996 License
- This version of Anti-996 License is drafted by Katt Gu, J.D, University of Illinois, College of Law; advised by Suji Yan, CEO of Dimension.
- This draft is adapted from the MIT license. For more detailed explanation, please see Wiki. This license is designed to be compatible with all major open source licenses.
- For law professionals or anyone who is willing to contribute to future version directly, please go to Anti-996-License-1.0. Thank you.