A simple server that listens for clicks on the local network from an Amazon Dash button and toggles the status of a WeMo Switch/Plug.
- node-dash-button
require's libpcap-dev
- If on macOS, this should be available out of the box
- If on linux, install the libpcap-dev (or similar) package with your distro's package manager.
- If on Windows, may god help you.
- ouimeaux, a python command line tool
- You can either install it globally with
(see their documentation) or build/install it somewhere else accessible. Just be sure to note the full path to thewemo
- You can either install it globally with
can be installed globally and used as a command
line tool:
$ npm install -g wedashmo
Or locally and used via a simple API within your node project:
$ npm install --save wedashmo
To use wedashmo
, you need:
- The MAC address of your Dash button
- The name of your fully set up and connected WeMo Switch or Plug
- Find and record the MAC address of your Dash button:
- To get this, you can use the
script that node-dash-button provides. Either run it from their project or you can runnpm run findbutton
in the root of this project. Once the script is running, just press your Dash button and record the first MAC address that shows up withManufacturer: Amazon Technologies Inc.
following it.
- To get this, you can use the
- If you haven't yet, use the WeMo app on your phone to fully set up
and name your WeMo Switch or Plug.
- Record the name exactly as you entered it or you can use the
wemo list
command provided by ouimeaux which will search for and list all the WeMo devices on your network along with their exact names.
- Record the name exactly as you entered it or you can use the
$ wedashmo
$ wedashmo -h
$ wedashmo --help
$ wedashmo -d 00:11:22:33:44:55 -w 'My Switch' -o /usr/local/bin/wemo -t 3000
The MAC address of your Dash button. See Setup above.
The exact name of your WeMo Switch or Plug. See Setup above.
The path to ouimeaux's wemo
executable. If this isn't provided,
the PATH
will be searched automatically for it and the server
will fail with an error if it couldn't be found.
The timeout in milliseconds that subsequent Dash button presses should be ignored each time a press is detected.
Default: 15000
Whether or not to output server status, detected presses, etc.
Default: false
$ npm test
Fork, work your beautiful magic, and submit a PR.
Copyright 2017 Brandon Phillips