- < article > Defines an independent section of writing
- < aside > Defines info separate from main content
- < footer > Defines bottom information of page or article
- < header > Defines a headline
- < hgroup > Defines a group of headlines
- < nav > Defines a navigation list
- < section > Defines a major portion of a page or article
- < bdi > Indicates text selected for separate formatting
- < command > Defines a command button
- < details > Defines extra info that can be hidden
- < mark > Defines highlighted text
- < summary > Defines headline for a < details > element
- < ruby > Defines Ruby notation for East Asian alphabets
- < rt > Defines pronunciation and explanation for some East Asian characters
- < rp > Defines what to display for browsers without Ruby support
- < time > Defines date and time
- < wbr > Defines a possible line-break
- < audio > Defines audio content
- < video > Defines video content
- < source > Defines multimedia resources for and
- < embed > Defines container for a plug-in or external application
- < track > Defines text tracks for < audio > or < video > elements
- < figure > Defines image content
- < figcaption > Defines a caption for a < figure > element
- < canvas > Creates graphics using scripting language
- < datalist > Defines options for field entry of a form
- < keygen > Defines a field to generate key-pairs for forms
- < output > Defines a calculation result
- < progress > Indicates progress on a task
- < meter > Defines a scalar measure or gauge
- < b > Represents words with extra attention like keywords (does not mean increased importance or changed voice or mood)
- < i > Represents text with alternative voice or mood
- < noscript > Presents fallback markup when scripting is not supported (not used in XML)
- < s > Represents contents that are inaccurate or irrelevant
- < small > Represents side comments (like small print)
- < u > Represents text needing attention like misspellings or Chinese proper name marks
( C ) - Binary Kore, 09225205353