Using this API client requires an active account.
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- Full Bitmovin API reference documentation:
- SDK reference documentation for Java:
- Release Notes:
If you have any questions or issues with this SDK or its examples, or you require other technical support for our services, please login to your Bitmovin Dashboard at and create a new support ticket. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible 👍
Add this dependency to your project's POM:
To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:
mvn clean install
Add this dependency to your project's build file:
compile group: 'com.bitmovin.api.sdk', name: 'bitmovin-api-sdk', version: '1.222.0'
import com.bitmovin.api.sdk.BitmovinApi;
BitmovinApi bitmovinApi = BitmovinApi.builder()
You can find sample workflow scripts in the Bitmovin API SDK examples repository.
is the latest Bitmovin API client for Java. It guarantees 100% specification conformity at any given time and access to all features of the API as soon as they are released.
However, if you need to use the previous version for legacy reasons, you can still find it at bitmovin-java.