List of configs to my keyboard-driven system. My point was to get light weight system without useless annoyances.
There are no install scripts atm and things are bit messy, so I wouldn't recommend cloning my entire setup, but instead to try copying bits and pieces as you put together your own dotfiles unique to you.
- Distro: Void
- WM: River
- Bar: Waybar
- Fonts: JetBrains Mono
- Symbols and icons: Nerd Font Symbols
- GTK-theme: adw-gtk3
- Icons: Papirus Dark
- Image Viewer: swayimg
- Media Player: mpv
- Notification daemon: mako
- Terminal foot
- Cron daemon snooze
- Shell: zsh
- Editor: neovim
- Filemanager: Yazi
- Launcher bemenu
Here is a list of the main key combinations, mostly default ones
The rest can be found in $HOME/.config/river/init
If you have used DWM before you are already home
Keybind | Description |
Super + Enter | Open Terminal |
Super + D | Open Bemenu as drun node with j4-dmenu |
Super + Control + R | Reload config |
Super + Shift + D | Open Bemenu as run mode |
Super + W | Open Web Browser |
Super + E | Open TUI Filemanager |
Super Shift + E | Open GUI Filemanager |
Super + {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} | View another tag |
Super + Shift + {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} | Move focused tags to another tag view |
Super + 0 | View all tags |
Super + Control + {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} | Toggle/"combine" different tag views |
Super + Shift + P | Open Powermenu |
Super + {J,K} | Focus the next/previous view |
Super + Shift + {J,K} | Swap the focused view |
Super + {, .} | Focus next/previous output |
Super + Shift {, .} | Send focused view to the next/previous output |
Super + BackSpace | Bump the focused view to the top of the layout stack |
Super + {L,H} | Decrease/increase the main ratio of Rivertile |
Super + Shift + {Prior,Next} | Increment/decrement the main count of Rivertile |
Super + F | Toggle fullscreen |
Super + Left + Mouse | Float and move the window |
Super + Alt + {H,J,K,L} | Change layout orientation {left,bottom,top,right} |
- SwayKh - Showed me how to configure River 😍
- Official install guide - Helped me to setup Void 👍
- - Helped me to setup Void 👍
- Mind's Forge - Helped me setup Wayland ⭐
- newmanls - Helped me with TONS of stuff ⭐
- classabbyanp - Helped me with TONS of stuff ⭐
- fesowowako and his commits from My Sway-dotfiles