Moteino Shield requires a Moteino and a base station/bridge to work as shown in the example.
RFM69 Listening Mode Library:
LowPower Library:
RFM Base station requires RFM69 library customization to work with D1 Mini Shield ( Modified library file available in the /Arduino-Code/Libraries directory in this GitHub.
- PWR - Power Input (LiPo Battery Input)
- A0 - Voltage level input (See Arduino Blinds code example on how to derive voltage from analog input)
- A1 - 'CH' Signal Input from Solar Charger - Goes LOW when battery is charging
- A2 - 'OK' Signal Input from Solar Charger - Goes LOW when battery is fully charged (~4.2V)
- D3 - Hardware Interrupt - Used to wake the Moteino when using the momentary switches for manual control
- D4 - Switch 1 Input - Input from the momentary switch for manual control, direction of movement defined in code
- D5 - Relay Output - Trips the mechanical relay to power the voltage booster and the servo
- D6 - Servo Output - Sends commands to the attached servo
- D7 - Switch 2 Input - Input from the momentary switch for manual control, direction of movement defined in code