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coffeelint loader for webpack


Apply the coffeelint loader as pre/postLoader in your webpack configuration:

module.exports = {
	module: {
		preLoaders: [
				test: /\.coffee$/, // include .coffee files
				exclude: /node_modules/, // exclude any and all files in the node_modules folder
				loader: "coffeelint-loader"

	// more options in the optional coffeelint object
	coffeelint: {
		// any coffeelint option
		// i. e.
		camel_case_classes: 'error',

		// coffeelint errors are displayed by default as warnings
		// set emitErrors to true to display them as errors
		emitErrors: false,

		// coffeelint to not interrupt the compilation
		// if you want any file with coffeelint errors to fail
		// set failOnErrors to true
		failOnErrors: false,

    // same as failOnErrors but will throw an exception for
    // warnings as well
		failOnWarns: false,

		// custom reporter function
		reporter: function(results) {
      var errors = result.error;
      war warns = result.warn;

Custom reporter

By default, coffeelint-loader will provide a default reporter.

However, if you prefer a custom reporter, pass a function under the reporter key in coffeelint options. (see usage above)

The reporter function will be passed an object containing error and warn arrays produced by coffeelint with the following structure:

  error: [
        rule :      'Name of the violated rule',
        lineNumber: 'Number of the line that caused the violation',
        level:      'The severity level of the violated rule',
        message:    'Information about the violated rule',
        context:    'Optional details about why the rule was violated'
  warn: [

The reporter function will be excuted with the loader context as this. You may emit messages using this.emitWarning(...) or this.emitError(...). See webpack docs on loader context.

The output in webpack CLI will usually be:


WARNING in ./path/to/file.js
<reporter output>

