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Warning - outdated nugets

Show all packages

dotnet list package
dotnet list package --include-transitive
dotnet list package --include-transitive --deprecated <>

soon: dotnet nuget audit fix

Install nupkg to Local Nuget Store

  1. create a folder c:\temp\nuget
  2. Install nupkg in this folder: nuget add mypackage.0.0.0.nupkg -source c:\temp\nuget
  3. In Visual Studio (2019), add this folder to the avialable nuget servers


Get nuget from protected server

nuget install My.Cool.Nuget -source

Config available Nuget Servers in Solution

Add this a config file: .nuget\NuGet.Config in the folder where .sln sits

Example config file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <add key="disableSourceControlIntegration" value="true" />
        <add key="enabled" value="True" />
    <add key="server1" value="" />
    <add key="server2" value="" />

Create .NET Standard nuget

Example for nuget config in csproj:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

    <!-- where should the nuget package be created at -->
    <!-- nuget related properties -->
    <Authors>Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi</Authors>
    <Description>Sample library showing how to create a .NET library.</Description>
    <Copyright>Copyright 2020 © Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi. All rights reserved.</Copyright>
    <None Include="icon-120x120.png" Pack="true" PackagePath="\"/>

Cross Platform Targeting:

nuget pack

  • use 'nuget pack' for .net framework
  • use 'dotnet pack' for .net Standard and .net core (first: convert csproj to sdk-style and Migrate from packages.config to PackageReference)


nuget.exe pack .\myApp\myProj.csproj -NonInteractive -OutputDirectory c:\temp\nuget -Properties Configuration=Release -IncludeReferencedProjects -Verbosity normal

"The -IncludeReferencedProject flag only really makes sense when your project is managing dependencies via packages.config file." According NuGet/Home#5720

dotnet pack .\myApp\myProj.csproj --output c:\temp\nuget --configuration Release --verbosity normal

Error NU5014 in nuget pack

running this statement:

nuget.exe pack .\myApp\myProj.csproj -NonInteractive -OutputDirectory c:\temp\nuget -Properties Configuration=release -IncludeReferencedProjects -Verbosity normal

Referencing a .net Standard project gives this error:

Error NU5014: Error occurred when processing file 'C:\Work.proj\myApp\myProj.csproj': Unable to find 'bin\release\myApp\bin\release'. Make sure the project has been built.

Options to solve this issue:

  • refrence the .net Standard package by nuget, not by project reference
  • in my case, the b.dll had to refrence c.dll as nuget package reference, not as project reference: a.dll -> b.dll -> c.dll if nuspec ist there, make sure the following depencency gets added to your nuspec in the nuget. If not, add this lines to nuspec (not needed: had been generated in my case)
       <dependency id="myProj" version="2.0.0" />
  • remove argument -IncludeReferencedProjects (usually not recommended, because we usually want the references included)
    • "The -IncludeReferencedProject flag only really makes sense when your project is managing dependencies via packages.config file."
  • check open issue: NuGet/Home#3891 (closed, but not fixed: dotnet/sdk#6688)

Create your own nuget server

Tipps and Tricks

Reinstall packages

After updating framework or installing or updating nugets, it is reccommended to reinstall all packages:

Update-Package -Reinstall
Update-Package -Reinstall -ProjectName Project.Name.Here
Update-Package Package.Name.Here -Reinstall -ProjectName Project.Name.Here


Binding redirects are added if your app or its components reference more than one version of the same assembly.

Clear all local caches

In case of any nuget issues, clear all local nuget folders:

  • dotnet nuget locals all --clear
  • nuget locals all -clear

More details about managing folders:

install/restore error: Cycle detected

Do not use the same name for folder and package (example: dotnet add package IdentityServer4 in Folder \IdentityServer4)

c:\Work.proj\IdentityServer4>dotnet add package IdentityServer4
  Determining projects to restore...
  Writing C:\Users\bop\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp4852.tmp
info : Adding PackageReference for package 'IdentityServer4' into project 'c:\Work.proj\IdentityServer4\IdentityServer4.csproj'.
info : Restoring packages for c:\Work.proj\IdentityServer4\IdentityServer4.csproj...
error: Cycle detected.
error:   IdentityServer4 -> IdentityServer4 (>= 0.0.0).
info : Package 'IdentityServer4' is compatible with all the specified frameworks in project 'c:\Work.proj\IdentityServer4\IdentityServer4.csproj'.
error: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'path1')

nuget pack error

  • Use the latest version of nuget.exe (Azure DevOps: use "Nuget Tool Installer")
  • for .net Standard, use dotnet pack

nupkg contains source files instead of bin

Wrong argument: give csproj-file instead of nuspec-file

Error 401 Unauthorized

Login Visual Studio with target account (try to disable vpn first)


Slow? performance issues? check this: Starting with .NET 8 SDK, verification is enabled by default. To opt out, set the environment variable DOTNET_NUGET_SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION to false.


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